Summary of Spirit Babies How to Communicate with the Child You're Meant to Have by Walter Makichen

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**"Spirit Babies"** by Walter Makichen is a spiritual guidebook that explores the concept of communicating with the spirits of unborn children, or "spirit babies," who are believed to be waiting to be born to their destined parents. Makichen, a clairvoyant and spiritual healer, shares his experiences and offers techniques for connecting with these spirit babies, either to assist in conception or to understand the reasons behind infertility or miscarriage.

1. **Understanding Spirit Babies:**
- Makichen introduces the idea that spirit babies are souls that exist in the spiritual realm before being conceived. They choose their parents and communicate with them, often helping couples understand their readiness for parenthood.

2. **Communication Techniques:**
- The book outlines various meditation and visualization techniques to help prospective parents connect with their spirit babies. These methods are intended to facilitate communication and receive guidance about conception, pregnancy, and parenthood.

3. **Healing from Loss:**
- For those who have experienced miscarriage, infertility, or the loss of a child, Makichen offers spiritual insights and practices to heal from grief and understand the spiritual reasons behind these events.

4. **Parenthood as a Spiritual Journey:**
- Makichen emphasizes that parenthood is not just a physical or emotional experience but also a deeply spiritual journey. Understanding this spiritual aspect can help parents prepare themselves for the responsibilities of raising a child.

5. **Practical Advice:**
- In addition to spiritual guidance, the book provides practical advice on how to create a nurturing environment for spirit babies, both physically and emotionally, to encourage a successful conception and healthy pregnancy.
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