Could Harry Potter have used Parseltongue to STOP the Basilisk? #shorts

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Parseltongue is the language of serpents ~ Harry could only speak it because of this connection to Lord Voldemort ... why not use this ability to stop the attack?

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I think Harry passed up some prime opportunities to supplant Voldemort and become the next great powerful dark lord.


Basically if you hear Tom he says “not even parseltounge can save you now Harry it listens to me and to me only” so there was no point of him trying to use it in that scene.


If I recall from the books Harry couldn’t use the serpent speak voluntarily. At least not until the later books. So I don’t see there being anyway where he talked the basilisk down


I actually think Harry could have if he had better control of parseltongue. Because the part we're all missing is that the diary is just a horcux and part of Voldemort soul with no real body. Yes it was draining Ginny of her life force but still no real body. Whereas Harry was an actual person with a shiver of Voldemort's soul. I think


I remember super carlin bros made an alternate version of Harry Potter where Harry was sorted into slytherin, long story short the Basilisk obeyed Harry because he was a true slytherin and the Basilisk only answers to a true slytherin


I personally think he wouldn't have been able to in that situation. Yeah, he spoke parseltongue and had a part of the heir of slytherin in him, but The fragment of Voldermort that was the memory already had comtrol.of it and was very powerful.

There's a theory the the Diary was his first Horcrux and had the largest pieces of his soul. Since creating one means tearing you should into two pieces. If you do that, tear what you have left in half every time. Then the first one created is the largest. This is backed by the fact the diary is by far the most powerful and active of his horcruxes that we see. It's literally half of hum. While the piece inside Harry is only .0078th of voldermrts original soul.


Based on the 2 times Harry talked to snakes, it seems like that's all parselmouths can do. So imagine you and your arch enemy could both talk to dogs, does that mean you can tell his dog what to do?


I think he could have controlled it because the young Tom Riddle was able to do it. Both are just a part of Voldemorts soul so both should be able to control the Basilisk


He could cuz when draco and harry dueled, draco summonned a snake and harry talked to it to stop the attack, like he said.


I think he could, he just didn't know about it


*Turn to page 394 in the Book of Salazar Slytherin and Basilisks*


Perhaps yes but given Harry was unaware of the connection with Voldemort we'll never truly know.


imo Harry would've been able to confuse great serpent at the very least. He can speak with snakes because when Voldemort accidentally made a horcrux out of Harry he gave him part of his soul, as well as some abilities. From basilisk's pov he'll see two parts of Slytherin heir's soul. And if memory of Riddle, having part of Tom's soul, can control basilisk, then so could Harry.


The basilisk only response to a direct heir of Salazar Slytherin therefore even though a part of Voldemort who is an air is inside of Harry his blood isn't the blood of Salazar Slytherin so therefore Harry would have not been able to control the basilisk only confuse it for a split moment.


I think it might, but since the fragment in Harry is smaller than the diary Tom, it would probably go after the weaker fragment


If Ginny, influenced by a portion of the soul can control the basilisk. Certainly Harry could.

Also the three brothers, from which Harry descends from the youngest. The middle child leads to the gaunts somehow. All pure blood families are connected.

But that means the brothers are all born heirs off Slytherin. Harry is probably Slytherin's heir too. Most people are. So Harry is a piece of soul from Voldemort + a direct descendant off Slytherin himself through his father. The basilisk should surely take his commands. Probably more so.


Another to add to the list of why harry wasn't in ravenclaw.


One thing that makes me slightly upset is that in the books the basilisk fight was only like 1-2 paragraphs long while in the movie it took up some good time.


Well you know how Harry isn't really a Ravenclaw so yeah not a quick thinker if he did tho I think if it was manipulative enough he might have been able to control the basilisk
Here's my reason why Rowling did not do this bcs at that time Harry was feeling very insecure and confused abt which house he should have been in and if the monster of SLYTHERIN obeyed him and he is kinda the heir of SLYTHERIN he would have trouble believing that he is supposed to be a gryfindor even if he did pull out the sword

Makes sense??


Maybe, but harry was young and naive, so he probably thought Tom was right
