Chicken Sound Hen Video - Amazing Pets & Animal

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Chicken Sound Hen Video #chicken #hen #video #sound murge, murga, murge, moroger dak. Amazing Pets & Animal.

Chickens make various sounds to communicate with each other and express different emotions. Here are some common chicken sounds:

Clucking: The most familiar sound chickens make is clucking. Hens often cluck softly to communicate with their chicks or to signal contentment while they are pecking at the ground.

Crowing: This distinctive sound is typically associated with roosters. Roosters crow to establish their territory and announce their presence to other chickens. They often crow in the morning, but they can crow at any time of the day.

Squawking: When chickens feel threatened or are alarmed, they may let out loud squawks to alert the flock of potential danger. Squawking can also happen if a hen is laying an egg or when they are being aggressive with each other.

Purring: Hens may emit a soft, pleasant purring sound when they are content, such as when they are sitting comfortably in a nesting box.

Cackling: After laying an egg, hens often cackle loudly and proudly. This cackling sound can also attract other hens to come and investigate the freshly laid egg.

Gurgling: Sometimes described as "gurgling" or "bubbling," this sound is made by young chicks to indicate that they are content and warm.

Alarm Call: If a chicken spots a predator or something they perceive as a threat, they will let out a loud and rapid series of squawks to warn the rest of the flock.

These chicken sounds play a vital role in the social dynamics and safety of the flock, helping chickens communicate with each other and stay connected within their group.

A hen is a female chicken, which is a domesticated bird belonging to the species Gallus gallus domesticus. Hens play a crucial role in egg production, as they are the ones that lay the eggs. They are often raised for their eggs and meat, making them an essential livestock animal worldwide.

Hens are generally smaller and less colorful than their male counterparts, known as roosters or cocks. They have combs and wattles like roosters, but these features are usually smaller and less prominent in hens. Hens are typically docile and social birds that form hierarchical structures within a flock.

In a natural setting, hens would lay eggs and incubate them to hatch into chicks. However, in commercial egg production, hens are usually kept in controlled environments, and their eggs are collected for human consumption.

Hens are known for their clucking sounds, especially when they are content or laying eggs. They are also recognized for their nurturing behavior when they care for their chicks and maintain a pecking order within the flock.
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I played this sound when I was in my chicken coop, an they would not shut up for like 10 minutes


Ok. Why was the first add i got was a KFC commercial?


I come from a farming background and we had hens I loved the sounds they made and the chicks they had


That's very useful Especially when calling chickens😂


I watching this video for my son.he like cehkin 😅


When i fly Airlines then we use this sound😂


Hi :) I work for a show 'SBS (Seoul Broadcasting System from South Korea) TV animal farm'. I'm wondering if we could include your video in our upcoming weekly show's opening for full credit. I hope to receive your positive reply. Thank you.


Who else is playing this down the mic to their friends
