Multiple Best Ways to Change State in React JS [ updated ] Easy State Management

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There are many ways to update state in React JS. The way we change state in React JS, depends on data type in state and the way you use your functions. We have two states in our ReactJS app.
One has boolean value that is initially false. Second is using an object as it's value. Object has got two properties.

For state, I will display 'Yes', if value is true, and display 'No' if value is false by using ternary operator or conditional. To change the state I will take a button and it's onClick event can have logic to change state.

Now we can use inline functions to change state in the button. Or we can define function separately and call it onClick event of a button. Now notice how state for a boolean value is being updated inline and by using separate function. We can also change it in if else statement. Then for the state in object we will have to use curly braces. We can change state value for the object inline or in a separate function. Notice the difference between changing a boolean value in state and changing a property value in object in state.

For object in state, first get the previous state with three dots, mix it with updated property and then set the updated state. Do remember this.

So the way you change state depends on data type and the way you use functions.

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