What's So Great About Brandon Sanderson?

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0:47-World Building
6:58-Magic Systems
16:15-Third Act
19:31-Listing 3 things I think contributes to his popularity...
19:37-Thing 1: Accessible Writer
22:58-Thing 2: Accessible Person
24:45-Thing 3: Consistency

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Speaking of Sanderson saturation, I went to my local Renaissance festival this year. I have, on my back bumper, the bumpersticker from the WOK kickstarter that says Journey Before Destination. When I got back to my car at the end of the day, someone had stuck a piece of paper in my windshield that said, Life Before Death. I drove home with the biggest smile on my face, knowing there was another fan there, whom I never met, but we had this thing in common. It's such a fuzzy, wonderful feeling.


The people that criticize the way Kaladin remains depressive despite all his successes and the things he’s built just don’t understand depression. It doesn’t go away. It’s a struggle that remains with you all your life. I love that Sanderson didn’t make the Stormlight wash away Kaladin’s pain and struggle, it just helps him cope with it. Which is all any of us can ever do. Find a way to cope.


My favorite thing about Sanderson is that he REALLY understands how to write satisfying payoffs and climactic moments.

His worldbuilding is always deliberate and serves to make those big memorable moments hit even harder. I’ve cheered out loud while reading several of his books and that’s a fun feeling.


I really love the way Sanderson writes trauma. His characters react realistically to the things happening to them. It make me happy to see representation of the way the human mind works when presented with a traumatic event.


My favorite thing about Sanderson is his willingness to help and teach others. I'm currently trying to write my fourth book and his self deprecation is a big motivation boost. 13 books before published, his Sanderson's Laws where each law is literally mistakes he made and fessed up to, and just admitting he sucks at spelling.

It puts an inspiring writer at ease, and his free courses where he loves how others are learning and creating just adds to why I like him.


Heard that "Better than anyone faster than him, faster than anyone better than him" is a good way to describe his appeal. He might not be the most skilled author, but his output is consistent and still pretty decent


I used to read and write 10years ago, before joining the corporate world. I was so burned out and I dont know what to do with life. Then I discovered mistborn, and that ignited my desire to read and write again. Thank you Sanderson


Another aspect of Brandon's writing that I think broadens his reach is that his books are filled with hope in the face of staggering odds and it may be hard fought but the good guys win. This is in direct contrast to the movement of morally ambiguous heroes and dark fantasy and being "realistic." People from this movement might dislike what he does, but I think a lot of people want to see the good guys win so that they can have hope in their lives.


it's funny how most of the criticisms you described, are actually why I love him so much hahahah I love that he has a straightforward prose and doesn't focus on flowery writing, I love that that with his worldbuilding he doesn't spend an entire page describing the roof of a building but focuses on what we need to know and I love that I know for sure that the end of each book is going to be so much fun, and stressful, to read because of all the reaveals and the epic action scenes


"He felt good lots of days. Trouble was, on the bad days, that was hard to remember. At those times, for some reason, he felt like he had always been in darkness, and always would be.

Why was it so hard to remember? Did he have to keep slipping back down? Why couldn't he stay up here in the sunlight, where everyone else lived?"


I love Sanderson so much as a person I think that makes me a fan. Like his book are amazing yes, but I feel like he respects his readers so much. His yearly update was the first thing I found about him before reading his book and it blew my mind. now i listen to his weekly podcast with Dan Wells and i just love this human HAHAHA


English is not my first language. My language doesn't produced fantasy books. I tried LOTR, Wot. I couldn't get into them despite trying hard. But Brandon is accessible. I got to experience this great Worlds because him.


Interesting point about Sanderson not making his worlds more than what the plot needs. That is actually why I love his worldbuilding so much. I find that I really like stories where all the elements are geared towards having a specific theme and characters, and when the world is made solely for that purpose it cuts out all unnecessary side plots and prevents the story from dragging


What I always appreciate about Brandon Sanderson is that he’s incredibly open about the process and is incredibly consistent with the quality and speed with which he releases his books.

There really is no one else that does it like him.


I like the fact that he puts so much effort in fan interaction, even though he must be very busy. Lifestreams, podcasts, etc.
Aside from that, I think his content is very educational about his craft.
I've never read anything of his, but I enjoy his youtube and have watched his lectures several times.


This was excellent analysis of an author’s works and style. It helped me understand some of the differences in technique that create author’s voice. Great job.


His lectures saved me with my own book I’m writing. Even the intro is so motivating. I still can’t say anything about his actual books as they are still on my TBR. But planning on starting MistBorn in December. Can’t wait.


English is my second language, so I really appreciate his prose. His books were the first ones I read in English and it really helped me to improve in the language because of his direct way of writing. So I completely agree on the accessibility point you mentioned.

I'm also a fan of worldbuilding, connected universes and magic systems so I love his takes on that and when I pick up one of his book, I know I'll get some complex worlds no matter what.


Sanderson is a passionate, skilled writer with an entrepreneurial mindset.
The first makes his books great, the second makes his legacy great.


Sanderson's BYU lectures here on YouTube are a great resource for writers starting out. (So is Merphy's 'Dear Authors' series, while we're at it.)
