05 Get Organized Get More Energy

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Get Organized: Get More Energy
In this video I’m going to show you how getting organized can mean that you get more energy. Knowing what you’re going to do and when you’re going to do it allows you to pace yourself and to use energy efficiently.
You want to schedule tasks throughout the day to match your energy levels so that you’re doing the right task at the right time.
You remember this graph that we looked at in an earlier video, and this is just a graphical representation of the sort of energy levels that most people experience throughout an average day. As you can see it starts off in the middle range, your energy levels peak around midmorning, then they start to drop off. They drop off even more after lunchtime, reaching their low point by the middle of the afternoon, then they’ll bounce back a little bit in the evening and then drop off again at night so you feel tired to go to sleep.
Let’s just take a look at what sort of things you should do at what times of the day, and some of these can overlap a little bit because of course everybody is slightly different in the way their energy cycle works.
In the morning, early morning, midmorning, up to about lunchtime you want to schedule tasks that require a lot of energy or a lot of concentration. If you’re going to have important decisions to make, if you’re going to have to go to meetings, if you’re going to go for a run, if you’re going to start on a long car journey or something like that, then you want to start that, you want to do that in the morning because that’s when you’re going to have the most amount of energy.
Now in the late morning moving onto lunchtime and into the afternoon your energy levels are going to start to tail off, so that’s the time to do routine tasks. Tasks that you know how to do, the sort of things that you say “I could do this in my sleep” then that’s the sort of time that you want to do those tasks. Routine tasks that don’t require a lot of concentration, routine tasks that don’t require any big decisions to be made, or that are going to use a lot of energy.
On in through the evening that’s the time for socializing, because your energy levels are naturally going to start to rise then, so you’re going to feel a bit more like going out and meeting people, a bit more like going out and doing things. In the afternoon and in the evening is the best time for socializing.
From the evening and on into the night when your energy levels are naturally starting to decline that’s the time to relax, that’s the time to start conserving your energy for going to sleep and getting a decent night’s sleep so that you wake refreshed in the morning.
The other thing that you want to do is stop wasting time on things that aren’t important. Micromanaging everything is unnecessary and can be completely energy draining because your brain is working overtime. Your brain is a muscle in many ways and the more that you use it the more tired that you’re going to become, so if you spend a lot of time thinking about things that aren’t really necessary you’re going to feel tired.
Think about what you can do yourself and what you can outsource or what you can delegate. If you make more efficient use of your energy resources by outsourcing things or delegating things to others so they can do more efficiently on your behalf then you’re actually conserving your energy for the things that really matter.
If you work with other people then BaseCamp is a good thing to sign up to, again there is a free trial, but it enables you to coordinate with other people and work to deadlines, and so on.
Above all else you don’t want to waste time and energy, because wasting energy on things that aren’t{}
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