Carbon capture: the hopes, challenges and controversies | FT Film

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I have just planted 6 carbon capture technologies in my garden, I call them


Not a single climate scientist in this video, instead it features employees of the oil and gas industry though....


CCS shouldn't be considered an outright solution but rather a stepping stone to a greener future; employ it now on existing fossil fuel plants so they can continue producing energy whilst proper nuclear/renewable infrastructure is set up, reducing their impact and providing the necessary energy excess to achieve this.


@ft it would be great to show cost, efficiency, and investments datapoint for CCS vs other technologies. Without it, these points of view have little weight


The group research project for my undergrad industrial chemistry class rn is about using the captured CO2 to make polymer/plastic resins. Lol, I was just working on my part of the project then I saw this video.


Carbon capture is like the fusion reactor we need both now to clean up the damage we have done to our home world, but developing these two technologies does not negate us from getting off fossil fuels, otherwise for mother nature to clean up our mess could take a millenia or more.


Lanzatech has several different types of plant and end uses. They will IPO this year.


Why no mention of tidal or wave produced energy in the renewable mix?


We should have a meeting about it. Better still a series of meetings. And it should be mandatory for everyone to attend in person. That'll sort it out.


An excellent video by the FT (we would not expect anything less of course!). Realistic, and not sponsored to make things look any better than they are, but not dismissing the technology either. I think you are asking the right questions throughout. What needs to be stressed time and time again is that carbon capture is NOT a silver bullet to solve all the world's problems. We should never see it that way. Instead, it is a part of the toolkit and provides particularly interesting opportunities in heavy industry. BUT: we need serious commitments from governments, industry and the financial sector to make it happen in large scale.


The problem that some major proponents of carbon capture and storage are aware of, but unwilling to acknowledge, is the fact that ALL of the combined technologies (even scaled up) would be unable to store even one part-per-million of CO2 in the end. One ppm = 7, 800 million metric tons. The IEA estimates 7, 600 million would be needed by 2050. Even if done, the climate would not even miss it. And, while it is being done, fossil fuels for transportation will be adding more to the atmosphere. These facilities don't just appear by themselves. This approach will never work.



Im super new to to exploring carbon credits & I have a question that i'm hoping somebody could answer for me,

When they talk about carbon capture & then storing the carbon underground NOT having a monetary incentive for companies, cant carbon credits be that incentive?


Tldw: We need it because we failed, but it is not the answer.

Thanks for the informative content guys, keep these coming!


The reaction to convert CO2 into Synthetic fuels is Endothermic, a good direction would be to piggyback CCS, with cooling technologies.


Carbon taxation will lead to solutions in its own way and to be honest, there isn't a single great method that can solve all our problems. We can start by reducing our dependency on fossil fuels


It’s not a problem to increase capture 40x, other than the will to do it. G19, go for it!


Was pleased to see at the end that basically all experts in this video, claimed there is NO ONE solution and that we likely need a combination of all to achieve our goals.... and I thought I heard an agreement that there is NO easy elimination of O&G because of the many industrial processes that require including; Steel, Cement, Fertilizer, I would also like to see a better balance on the discussion on the green energy and electrification side of the equation.... for example we are NO Where near capable of removing more than 10% of the global transportation and distribution from Carbon with electrical.... and no one has proven that we can get there with current battery technologies. So we need all parties to be HONEST about the implications of the many changes, and also we are still a ways off from being able to produce enough green (wind/solar) to offset the carbon based considering there is more than enough solar energy hitting the earths atmosphere every day to allow us to replace all generation with it.... the problem is a significant portion does not actually reach the surface where we are currently putting our solar capture is this an opportunity; satellite based receivers???


The only hope is nuclear plus renewable. There is no other way.


I am going to use this nice video to illustrate the glossary for the historical record so our grand children can understand how we talked ourselves into the runaway climate catastrophe


What an interesting guy! I look forward to see him and his companies evolve and shape human civilization.

Carbon capture technologies will go a long way to mitigate some anthropogenic GHGs. The other key solutions to reach net zero are: efficiency, low-carbon electricity, electrification, alternative fuels (such as hydrogen and bioenergy), and behavioural changes. Only if those 6 are combined will we have a fighting chance of reaching net zero.
