How to work with INSET FACES | Blender 2.82 | Tutorial

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00:00 Start
0:15 - Intro + use case
1:02 - Inset Faces: Boundary
1:27 - Inset Faces: Offset Even
2:19 - Inset Faces: Offset Relative
2:43 - Inset Faces: Edge Rail
3:15 - Inset Faces: Thickness
3:45 - Inset Faces: Depth
4:12 - Inset Faces: Outset
4:36 - Inset Faces: Select Outer
4:52 - Inset Faces: Individual
5:09 - Inset Faces: Interpolate
#extrude #modeling #shrink
The function extrude and Inset Faces can be very similar. But did you know all of this adjustments of Inset Faces?
As I mention in the video it is very important that you apply the scale of your object and you have to be sure that there is no deformation.
All of this adjustments can be combined and modified. I haven't talked about 'thickness' in detail because I think it is pretty clear what this function is about.
00:00 Start
0:15 - Intro + use case
1:02 - Inset Faces: Boundary
1:27 - Inset Faces: Offset Even
2:19 - Inset Faces: Offset Relative
2:43 - Inset Faces: Edge Rail
3:15 - Inset Faces: Thickness
3:45 - Inset Faces: Depth
4:12 - Inset Faces: Outset
4:36 - Inset Faces: Select Outer
4:52 - Inset Faces: Individual
5:09 - Inset Faces: Interpolate
#extrude #modeling #shrink
The function extrude and Inset Faces can be very similar. But did you know all of this adjustments of Inset Faces?
As I mention in the video it is very important that you apply the scale of your object and you have to be sure that there is no deformation.
All of this adjustments can be combined and modified. I haven't talked about 'thickness' in detail because I think it is pretty clear what this function is about.
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