Frugal living tips 2022 🇬🇧 United Kingdom saving tips you can use

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Need to find ways to save money and fight inflation? Today we are looking at ways the people in the United Kingdom save their pounds. Learn what frugal living hacks you can use in 2022 to become recession proof.

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Here in the UK we are allowed to make up to £1, 000 a year on a side hustle tax free. Anything over that is taxable.


Hi Laina, in the charity shop section, the names you quoted are actually towns, and not the names of charity shops - charity shops are named after the charity that they support - examples would be Oxfam, Help the Aged, Mind (a mental health charity) and Sense (disability charity). The reason that those particular towns are highlighted is that they are affluent towns so the quality of the merchandise in any charity shop could be of a high quality than in other towns.


I assume the article was written by someone in England, because the water and sewerage rates here in Scotland are lumped into the council tax. In some places in England it might instead be part of the rent, but that's rare now. In terms of food, I'm trying to make more food at home. Shopping at different places also helps.


Love the side hustle idea! I was considering ‘park on my drive’ (renting a space on my driveway). I live about 15 minutes from a busy airport so could be worth looking into


I love your Thumbnails, super happy :)


Think you need to check some of your info, changing banks you can do on line you don't need to go to the bank in person, all income has to be declared especially if you also work full time.


Hi Laina, loved this and your humour of our little quirks . It makes me chuckle the differences in American spellings and different names for things too . 😂
