Russell Brand announces Christian baptism

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English comedian and actor Russell Brand announced he has decided to be baptised into the Christian faith in a video posted to X on Friday.

In the video, Brand expressed his fascination with the sacrament, describing it as an opportunity for spiritual renewal and leaving the past behind.

"This Sunday, I’m taking the plunge. I’m getting baptised," he said while filming himself outside.

"What’s been explained to me is, it’s an opportunity to die and be reborn. An opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ’s name."

This comes months after Russell Brand faced a formal investigation for alleged sexual misconduct, for which he has denied any wrongdoing.
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Russell I just got baptized 2 weeks ago! I am happy for you!!! 59 years old here! I need Jesus! 🎉


My daughter suffered for 20 years hearing voices in her head. Then she was baptized by full immersion. She came up out of the water only hearing 1 voice, the Holy Spirit. She has been fully recovered for 10 years now. Praise Jesus.


It surprises a lot of people, but not those who have watched Russell closely. God is Truth. If you follow the truth consistently, you will find God. Welcome, Brother!


I got baptized 4 years ago from Islam I found the truth Jesus Christ and I thank god everyday for my redemption.
Russel god is going to use you big time as I can see the anointing.💛


I wasn’t bought up with faith, but at 16 I had a tragic family incident and the same day had an open vision of Christ on the cross and astonishing peace. I didn’t know open visions were in the bible as I’d never read it and my foster parents were atheists. I never had anything remotely like that happen after, no other vision. I do believe Russell’s faith is genuine as he has been consistent in his spiritual search for years, he will suffer some persecution and some rejection from the materialistic West. But it’s an honour to be persecuted for loving Jesus. Beautiful Jesus bless Russell.


My 97 year old dad just received Jesus into his heart in October. He has dementia but had a clear moment and exclaimed “I’m changed!!!!” He just passed onto eternity last week.


Before I got baptized l was a skinhead, nicknamed Lurch, but in 2001 . I buried him in a watery grave of baptism, now I go by my birth name John. I was full of hate, now l am full of God's love.FREE.


Baptism is a Public testimony about the decision you made to live for Christ in a lasting relationship of dependence on Him.


Congratulations Russell on your baptism ❤ I was baptised just last year at the age of 72 God bless you Russell and welcome


Well done, Russell. may your newfound Christian way of life give you what you need. Big love and respect
God is great
Jesus is the truth


I didn’t expect him to accept Christ so soon, but knew eventually he would. He’s too intelligent. I’m so glad he did. I’m so happy for him. You’re always in my prayers Russell.


Dead to this world but ALIVE in Christ! A new creation. Congratulations !🌺🌿❤️


I'm getting baptized tomorrow!! I'm so excited:) I'm 47. Previously, I was baptized at 8. But I've come to realize that baptism was not a correct baptism. It wasn't a decision I made, but a tradition and my parents' choice.


My daughter got baptized yesterday, as well. So very glad you and my daughter took the ultimate plunge. Welcome to the family of God. Keep seeking His truth. It truly does set you free. I cannot begin to say how happy I am for you! ❤❤❤


I’m 59 and known Jesus all my life, just kept on putting of baptism. Finally got baptised 9 months ago from my own brother, praise Jesus


baptism is the first act of obedience as a christian. It is an outward expression of an inward truth. I pray God does great works in Russells life.


When I came to the knowledge of the truth after reading the new testament I had no priest to baptise me so I went to the ocean and baptised myself before God. It's been 15 years and I still an on my journey of faithfulness. We are cleansed through faith not by works. This is the revelation of Jesus Christ.


Praise the Lord my brother Russell! For to me to live is Christ! Phil. 1.21. Hallelujah!


Tears of joy for you Russell. May the Lord Jesus Christ guide you and protect you. God bless


Russell, your brothers and sisters in Christ are overjoyed by your decision. He leaves the 99 for the one, and His Love is fierce for you. The Believer’s Way is about the pivot: how do I change each time the LORD reveals more Truth to me about my true identity and authority in Yeshua Hamashiach?Praise Yah. He is relentless is His pursuit of our hearts, minds, souls, body, and spirit. What a warrior you will be for the Kingdom!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” JOSHUA 1:9 NIV
