Marvel WHAT IF Episode 9 Breakdown & Ending Explained Spoiler Review | Every Easter Eggs & Season 2

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Marvel WHAT IF Episode 9 Breakdown & Ending Explained Spoiler Review | Every Easter Eggs & Season 2. We review, recap and explain episode 9 of Marvel's What If on Disney Plus. This contains easter eggs, theories, spoilers and a breakdown of the events and behind-the-scenes interviews on the Marvel property. The Ultron Infinite finalee has a lot of easter eggs, cameos and references to the greater MCU and it's a brilliant way to close out the season. This video also contains Hawkeye news, Blade updates, Doctor Strange In the Multiverse Of Madness info and a lot more.

#WhatIf #EasterEggs #EndingExplained #MarvelsWhatIf #Marvel #MCU #Ultron #PartyThor #CaptainMarvel #CaptainCarter #Episode9 #Trailer #Spiderman #NoWayHome #IronMan #CaptainAmerica #PostCreditsScene #TChalla #Thanos #StarLord #IronMan #Thor #Loki #Hulk #AntMan #DoctorStrange #Killmonger

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0:00 What If Episode 9 Intro
0:54 Episode 8 Recap
1:34 Episode 9 Concept
2:29 Episode 9 Breakdown
12:50 Age Of Ultron Similarities
14:35 Ending Explained
18:31 Series Review
19:41 Season 2 News
20:08 The Eternals, Hawkeye, Blade And Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.

Now we open with Captain Carter taking on the same mission that Steve did at the start of The Winter Soldier. This involved the Lumerian Star being hijacked by Batroc the leaper. She's joined by Black Widow who has the same bangs as she did in that movie and also Crossbones who too originally carried it out with Steve.

We can see that Captain Carter has changed the logo on her chest from her first What If Episode. The new costume is way more inline with what Steve had with the union jack now being silver much in the same way that his costume evolved to be.

The dialogue is almost exactly like Steve and Black Widow had with the latter mentioning Bernard from Accounting.

In the Winter Soldier it was actually Lillian from accounting which Steve said he wasn't ready for because of her lip piercing.

This time Peggy does it because Bernard is a boring name but that name could be a nod to Jeffrey's wrights character from Westworld. Wright voices the Watcher so it could be a nod to that or it could be a reach.

Anyway Widow brings up Steve but Peggy plays it off as a joke, potentially he's still alive in this universe much like how she was in that movie. She jumps out the quinjet without a parachute and lands on the Star to fight Batroc in a scene that's extremely similar to the exchange in Winter Soldier. However it's interrupted by Uatu who arrives and takes her on his mission.

Cut to the Dairy Queen that we last saw Ego enter at the end of Episode 2 and this of course pulled from the opening of Guardians Volume 2 as being the place where Ego left his seed. As Peter Quill never became Star Lord in this universe he remained on Earth and Ego simply went along to harvest his powers to start his take over of the universe.

In Guardians I'm guessing that he was only so nice to his son because he heard of the legend of Star Lord and Peter is saved by T'Challa.

► Artist Attribution
Music By: "KaizanBlu"
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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Strange's back must've hurt because he CARRIES the fight.


Strange Supreme was the MVP easy, this was a great series. Looking forward to ssn 2


Like Yondu says “Never doubt sticky fingers” with that smile on his face 😢 Chadwick always delivered and more when playing T’Challa and it’s just such a shame to have lost a talented actor! But his legacy will live on and it was nice to have one more final appearance


I’m glad that made killmonger consistent in the series, they could’ve made him do a full 180 and become a hero but they did a justice to his established character in making him always have a bigger motive that suits him and I really like how his ambition has resulted in this situation with Zola in this pocket universe and I think it harkens back to tchallas warning to him when he saw him on the ancestral plane


"but its about as useless as this video is after Rockstars have uploaded theirs" omg that had me in tears!!! especially because i love watching both. Heavy Spoilers and New Rockstars have great perspectives and understanding of what they talk about!


Chris Hemsworth was brilliant in this. His scream when the watcher grabs him, the Viva Las Vegas shout, was hilarious


I think the Carter and Widow shield combo on Ultron is a nod to the Bucky and Cap vs Tony in Civil War.


Carol Danvers: "I'm the strongest."
Thor: "Nope, its me."

Dr Strange Supreme: "lol"


The Watcher really picked the Guardians of The Multiverse like he was choosing Pokemons 😂


Star-lord: Where is Gamora!
Iron-man: Ill do you one better, who is Gamora?
Drax: Ill do you one better, why is Gamora?
Me just coming from a different universe: Ill do you one better guys, what if Gamora?


"Not you stark" Tony Stark is the most bullied person in this series. I wont be surprised if hes the villain in season 2


Ultron literally admit...Strange as a biggest threat....when Ultron literally has full infinity stone...just show powerful this Strange is...I wanna see this Strange in dr strange 2


The only episode that Tony was present and didn't die was cut lol


I also thought there was a fun nod to Thor: Ragnarok when Thor goes through that sort of welcome thing on Sakaar and is screaming only to end up in that room in front of Grandmaster. When he's screaming at The Watcher picking him up and he just ends up in the bar with everyone standing around him, it had the same vibes


Everyone’s talking about Killmonger but no talks about The Zombie Trio: (Parker, Lang, and T’challa.) I want to know if they’re okay!


“No matter what… Gamora is getting dropped”



I really enjoyed the episode, but Gamora just seemed random with them cutting the episode she was in. In the end, her plot point for the episode, the stone crusher, didn’t even do anything. I would have rather had Spider-Man from the Zombie verse.


The Watcher being a pokemon trainer in the beginning


Marvel is giving us Mephisto through Strange without actually giving us Mephisto
