SAQ Grimeton Transmission on July 4th 11:00 CET (09.00 UTC)

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The Alexanderson Alternator at World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station in Sweden is the only remaining, and still functional electro-mechanical radio transmitter from the era of the first Trans-Atlantic radio networks. It was installed in 1924, to create a wireless communication link between Sweden and the US. With a power of 200kW, its radio waves, with the call sign SAQ, will travel around the globe.
A metal disc, with a diameter of 1.6m, inside the Alexanderson alternator, is rotating in a strong magnetic field with 2115 rpm. The disc has 488 cut-outs in its periphery, which is creating a magnetic flux with the frequency 17200 Hz (488 x 2115/60) which is the transmission frequency of SAQ.
It is only sending morse code (CW). The magnetic flux is converted into morse code in the magnetic amplifier, a system which uses a relatively small DC current to control a relatively large AC current, firstly to block/reduce the amplification to the antenna, and secondly to alter the antenna resonance frequency, all controlled by the morse key.
The inventor was the Swedish born chief engineer at General Electric, later RCA, Ernst F.W. Alexanderson, 1878 - 1975.
Video information:
The first transmission on Alexanderson Day 2021 was initiated at 10.30 CET (08.30 UTC) with the startup and tuning of the Alexanderson alternator. A message was sent out at 11.00 CET (09.00 UTC).
The team from the Alexander association at the 11:00 transmission:
Superindendent & guide: Fredrik Wiklund
Operator: Anders Törblad
Telegraphist: Kai Sundberg
Mobile camera: Thomas Alexandersson
Video technician: Janne Severinsson
Mentor: Jan Steinbach
Assistants: Anders Börjesson and Jan-Åke Gylling
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What a wonderful relic of technology so lovingly preserved and a tremendous bonus that it can apparently still operate without significant compromise of historical accuracy thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers. I had hoped to make a pilgrimage to SAQ on retirement but circulation problems make long flights out of the question... To others who appreciate the dedication and industry of the millions that have worked in all phases of communications technology for the last 200 years, I simply say don't pass-up an opportunity to visit SAQ while you can...


This has to be one of the most fascinating electro-mechanical machines I have heard about. Thanks to all of you for keeping it working. If and when I am in the area I must see it in person.


An amazing electromechanical radio transmitter and an extremely interesting tour. Never could have thought that functional Alexanderson transmitters still existed. Many thanks to you


That was made not far from where I live. That is one of the most amazing pieces of old electronics I have ever seen in my life. Awesome! I would love to see it in person!


Finally a full tour (in english) around the station. Thank you for that and for your *great job* and long live to SAQ !!!


Wow best video from SAQ and very good description of what was happening. I applaud all the volunteers at Alexander SAQ Grimeton Association great job and please keep up the Heritage Radio station. Sorry I don't have a receiver for that low a frequency.


What a fine machine! May it live forever! 73's.


Thank you very much Fredrik for giving the explanation about this incredible machine! Hope to visit it one day in the future. 😊


Great Video'' I never seeing a Transmitter like this ever before. This is the very best video I found on Youtube & I have been on YouTube since 2007. Incredible video for sure. thank you for putting this on YouTube.


Experience of today's transmission was that because and obviously by the weather conditions (humid air and I also suppose relatively warm inside) the alternator ran somewhat slower than usual resp. was difficult to tune to the point frequency - unless you really want to operate these "raise/lower speed" wheels to readjust it. Thermal tolerances and such. But.. it is a mechanical device, so there can be external impacts otherwise.


Very impressive to see how this transmitter works and has such a huge range!
Thank you very much for this interesting video.


I congratulate all the staff at SAQ GRIMETON for yet another broadcast. I am proud to be a part as a member in maintaining this heritage of humanity. We must never forget these moments ! Many Thanks. Alencar Aldo Fossá - py3cej


25:55 The reports mentioned are called QSL cards. A listener would write a letter to the station noting their location and time they received the broadcast. They would note the quality of reception and any weather conditions. The various radio stations had card sized postcards called QSL cards, sent to the reporter, recognizing the authenticity of the recipients information. I collected these from all over the world. Some of the stations had distinctive and sometimes ornate graphics worth displaying.


Fascinating insight into this rare and rather wonderful machine! Thank you 🙂


73. This is an excellent presentation and demonstration, and an inspiring example of the beauty of coding. I am encouraged and hopeful for humanity by your efforts towards PEACE. Michael Van Cleemput, K6WK, California, USA. 73.


Thank you for letting me listen to your message and look how you produced it with this wonderful machine!


Thank you, absolutely fascinating and a credit to all of you for maintaining this piece of history!


Amazing that the transmitter is purely electromechanical and can transmit across the ocean. ❤


Wow! Absolutely fabulous machinery great that it has been preserved, many thanks for uploading this


I find this youtube video very interesting i like to see all the old stuff working and not scrapped We have a station in the U.S. Its called WLW 500, 000 watts and its on youtube K7AGE 500, 000 watt transmitter love your video.😀👍👍
