Webinar: Top 5 Challenges of Social Business Adaptation & How to Resolve Them Effectively

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Whether you’re deploying IBM Connections at work, or any other ESN for that matter, you know, after the initial excitement of different change and transformation initiatives put in place, there’s a moment, usually, after the first year, where you’re bound to face a number of different challenges that would come to question all of the hard work, effort and energy you’ve put together when embarking on the so-called Social Business & Digital Transformation journey. Have you ever thought though those challenges can, actually, become incredible business opportunities for you to take your organisation’s adaptation and change initiatives into the next level?

In this particular session we’ll cover what have been some of the most poignant, destructive challenges transformation and change practitioners have been facing over the years, while deploying IBM Connections, and for each and every single one we will be providing tons of practical advice, hands-on experience and plenty of know-how to help you and your team overcome each and everyone of them and, eventually, turn those challenges you’ve been facing for a while now into business opportunities.
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