Secrets of the Lost Station | Setup | With Colin

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Are you ready for a narrative space dungeon crawler? If so, check this out as it is EPIC! This is setting up the game, the next video will be a playthrough of mission 4!

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I was going to back this kickstarter but bailed in the end due to the cost (not of the game but of stupid real life expenses). I am really glad that you have decided to showcase this so that I can see what I missed out on. Looking forward to the upcoming videos. Cheers!


I ordered Secrets of the Lost Tomb and Amazon sent me Metal Dawn instead (someone put the SotLT UPC sticker on the metal dawn box >.< ), and as it was the "last copy in stock" it figures I can't find another copy at the moment. So I went ahead and just got this off ebay with the minis for 250, and it just arrived. Can't wait to dive in.


I really like Secrets of the Lost Tomb, but the price for a KS pledge for Lost Station seemed really high. Looking forward to your playthrough to see how different it is from Lost Tomb.


this sounds good am looking forward to the playthrough, I definitely could not afford this so this will be the next best thing


WHY is this game so expensive? Even the standee version is 199 - uh no thanks.


Secrets of the Lost Tomb is one of my (our) favorite games. Didn't back this, figuring I would pick it up when it hit retail. I've heard/seen a couple of reviews that said it wasn't quite as good, so I'm on the fence now. Also, with a couple of late pledging looming on the immediate horizon for me (Midarra and Oathsworn), I may have to resort to a robbing liquor stores to fund all of this foolishness :). ONLY KIDDING, Mr. FBI man :). I'm looking forward to seeing you go through this, and welcome back...I've missed you haha.
