2 YEARS of PYTHON Game Development in 5 Minutes!

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I spent the last two years learning Pygame and game development in general. This video shows my journey starting with almost no programming knowledge, showing all the games I made along the way and finishing with my Udemy course.

00:00 Intro
00:35 Tic Tac Toe
00:45 Snake
00:59 Pong & Breakout
01:16 Space Invaders
01:45 Flappy Bird
02:00 Platformer
02:34 RPG Battle
03:00 Shooter
03:40 Castle Defender
03:55 Brawler
04:10 Dungeon Crawler
04:44 Outro
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Your biggest achievement here is not the knowledge of coding you gained but the ability to chase a Goal for that long. Be proud of yourself!


My 11-year-old son wants to make a platformer game from scratch. We’ve started learning python together by following along with online tutorials. So far, I’ve built a “paper rock scissors” and “math test” text based games. We also found Piskel online to start making sprites. It’s a fun bonding experience learning together. He seems patient and understands it may take many months before we’ve made something substantial. Cautiously optimistic.


The fact that you had a random thought of "I should learn to code" and managed to get that far, and not waver in your progression/goals is extremely motivating to me. This video brings hope for a lot of us trying to follow our dreams in game creation.Thank you!


I definitely relate to hearing about your burnout in game development. I've been teaching myself game development for almost a year, and I recently hit a burnout phase working on a 3d action adventure game. It was so tedious at times to animate and fix bugs, but your progress gives me hope. Great work!


This video is super inspiring and well made! Well done!

The sequential outline of projects is very helpful. I appreciate you mentioning the time you took off from game dev after feeling burned out--- especially how you came back to it intending on only making smaller projects for fun. It's so easy to watch these types of videos and get discouraged when the creator behind it doesn't ever mention the harder parts of game dev or recovering from them, especially when I'm personally prone to burn out... So hearing you say you eventually needed to take a break helps me feel less intimidated by learning game dev and Python.

Thank you so much for this lovely vid, I'll be coming back to it regularly as learn!


I've just started learning Python, and the ride has been enjoyable so far. Its syntax is so easy to understand, which makes it an ideal language for novices in the programming world. Furthermore, the flexibility of Python in different fields is remarkable.


great stuff, i'm learning coding not for games but for music/hardware and can relate to the frustration of taking days to work through issues (only to then run into the next batch of issues). it's fun but persistence seems to be the key. you've got great style sense with the characters, animation etc, keep going!


This is so cool! Thank you Russ for sharing it! I may be a CS for 4 years and graduated, but you learned so much because of perseverance! That's a job well done! That feels motivating for me to follow!


I love how your progress in learning game dev mirrors the advancement of video games over its first 20 years starting with pong!


Thanks Russ for all the great content over the years


Hey Russ! Your videos helped kickstart my love of PyGame as well and it’s been a treat seeing all the cool content you’ve rolled out over the years! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next! Cheers mate


Hello Bro my name is Anjum and i am from Bangladesh and i am 14+ years old. I started Learning python 1 month ago by doing a course and the language is very easy to understand and everything is so simple. My dreamers is to be a indie game developer. Now, i am learning Python after this i am going to make my first game and after 5 to 6 years later i am going to switch to another programming language like c++ or c# then i will make some big indie games or hire some people to make a AAA game. I know this is not easy but i started my journey 1 month ago. And i think that python is a very good language to start game development career.


Be proud of yourself Russ, what you accomplish is amazing. Watching boring tutorials about Python does not help with beginner in remembering the key concepts, it necessary for them to apply what they've learned through trial and errors of creating projects. Personally it seem way more enjoyable & satisfying, not to mention you can put this in your resume for future potential jobs.


i just started to study how to code in pythom and just found out about pygame, its amazing to see how you can improve yourself in 2 years, thanks for the video


I'm just starting with python and your video is truly inspiring, keep up the great work!


Great video, with loads of motivation coming from it. Good job!


DONT STOP BRO! biggest fan here! keep it up!


Been dabbling around trying to decide which language to try to learn. Thanks for the motivation


Thanks bro. Congrats on your successful progresses so far.


I learned lot of things of pygame from u
