Excel Magic Trick 1071: Dynamic Range Based on Product and Start & End Month: OFFSET, INDEX or AF?

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See how to add the sales based on a 3 parameters: Product Name, Start Month and End Month. Video compares and contrasts OFFSET and INDEX function for creating Dynamic Ranges, and also looks at a number of other array formula solutions:
1. (01:15 min) OFFSET & MATCH & SUM functions.
2. (05:16 min) INDEX and MATCH & SUM functions.
3. (08:52 min) What to do if column numbers for lookup are in a single cell like: 2,3,4: OFFSET, MATCH, LEFT, RIGHT and LOOKUP function solution.
4. (14:18 min) SUMPRODUCT & Array constant in VLOOKUP.
5. (15:56 min) SUM, VLOOKUP and a Dynamic Variable-Length Array of Sequential Numbers created with ROW, INDIRECT and MATCH functions.
6. (18:33 min) INDEX to avoid Ctrl + Shift + Enter with formula in #5.
7. (19:05 min) If parameters for all months are given in cells, then a formula with SUMPRODUCT, SUMIFS, INDEX and MATCH can work.
8. (20:22 min) If parameters for all months are given in cells, then a formula with SUMPRODUCT, N, INDIRECT, ADDRESS, MATCH and MATCH with a function argument array operation can work.
Excel Lookup last number in a text string.