Blazor Web App Project Template - Blazor Web Application Tutorial

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Welcome to our comprehensive Blazor Web Application tutorial [Blazor Web App Tutorial], where we'll dive deep into the intricacies of this powerful framework in .NET Core. Discover what Blazor is in the context of .NET Core [What is blazor in .Net Core/What is Blazor in Asp.Net Core], learn how to create a Blazor app, and explore the all-new features in the Blazor Web App project template for .NET 8 [Blazor Web App .Net 8].

In this tutorial, we'll dissect the Blazor Web App Architecture, providing real-world examples to enhance your understanding. Whether you're a beginner looking for a Blazor tutorial or seeking insights into Blazor's role in ASP.NET Core, we've got you covered.

Join us as we unravel the complexities of Web App in Blazor and explore what is Blazor Server App, what is blazor WebAssembly and How Blazor WebAssembly Works.

What is Blazor App [What is Blazor in C#]?
Developing a web app with Blazor brings the convenience of utilizing C# for both server and client-side coding, streamlining the development process. With a unified codebase, developers can seamlessly create interactive and dynamic web applications. Blazor's versatility allows for the incorporation of modern web app features while benefiting from the familiarity of C# and the robust capabilities of the .NET ecosystem. Embracing Blazor empowers developers to build responsive and feature-rich web applications with efficiency and ease.

What is Blazor Server Side?
Blazor Server App executes its logic on the server, leveraging real-time communication through SignalR to efficiently update the user interface. This approach minimizes the amount of code sent to the browser, resulting in faster load times and enhanced performance. We'll look into Blazor Web App template option for enabling server interactivity.

Our Blazor Tutorial for Beginners series includes various videos which helps to gain a proper understanding about the Blazor concepts including Razor Components.

Topics Covered
0:00 - Intro
0:21 - Blazor Web App Template
2:18 - Different Blazor Web App Projects
7:28 - Blazor Render Modes
12:57 - Project Structure Overview
15:29 - HeadOutlet and SectionOutlet Components

#blazor #dotnet #dotnetcore #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #webdev
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With .Net 8, Kindly add custom authentication using cookie, jwt, session storage, local storage - and without identity, with custom user tables. it will be very useful


Why does everyone use a built-in template? Can't make an app without a template?


Do we have any sample RDLC report generation [with static data] on latest Blazor Web app with Auto (interactive render mode) project type.


i have one doubt I add two collection view One Catrgory And another is Item If i clcik catrgory should hide and item should come hide show is working my doubt is both are same connection name and binding is different but first collection look good but another looks ugly y


is there a way to connect maui app with postgresql using web api and ef core 8 so data is always synced ?


i need example for blazor hybrid with mobile devices
