Dax - 'Eternity' (Official Music Video)

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Dear Family, the audio was compromised on the last video so I had to take it down and reupload it with the right audio. Obviously it will hurt the views but I don't care tbh. I couldn't live with myself with the way the it sounded. Thank you to anyone who like, comments, and shares again.

[LYRICS BELOW] Praying this reaches those who need and want to hear and see it. Like, comment, and SHARE and let's share this thought provoking piece. Love you all and can't wait to hear and read what you think...

Follow DAX: @ thatsdax
Directed and Shot By: Eden Gamliel
Produced by: Lex Nour Beats

#Eternity #Dax #religion #eternal #life #rap #god #heaven


And when you really examine the concept of eternity one will find that there is no end
Life after death is a concept human still don't understand

How long is eternity?
I don’t understand
Some say forever
But if it’s forever then when does it come to an end?
It’s more than a concept
An infinite time that we spend
It confirms that our lives here on earth are a blip of existence and don’t make a dent
As we get older it creeps in our minds
The thought and the end and beginning of time
The Life that we thought that we lived doesn’t matter approaching the thought that someday we all die
I get confused when I look in sky
What is this water hitting my eyes?
Maybe the rain is the pain and shame
That hits earth when God cries
As we get older we don’t care what we did
It’s not the things we receive
but the things we give
We try to go back to the time we were kids
But those shoes no longer fit
Any then we finally realize
That Everyone dies
But not everyone lives
So I’m taking a chance
I’m living my life in the moment
And not in a future that’s not in my hands
I’m giving my time to the people who love me for everything that I am
I’m living my life in reality not for a post that they’ll tap when they open the gram
I’m doing whatever it takes
I’m not going to dwell on my past mistakes
I’m bridging the gap between my dreams and what i see while I’m awake
They say leave it up fate
Well fate favors those who take
Cause if eternity is forever and all this is temporary why wait?

Humanities lost
We obsess the price of material things
but at what cost?
Then treat time like currency and spend it for applause because we think that life is just a game we can turn on and off
We build we break
renew, replace
We 9 to 5 and count the days
For 40 years till 65
Then live off what our pension pays
We fall in line as mental slaves
our bodies work are minds are caged
and that’s why People say the richest place you’ll find is at the graves
Full of hopes and dreams that people never chased
Full feelings that we felt but never got to say
All the thoughts inside our heads that we kept stored and locked away
as our age increased and we got old and everything decayed
and when we finally realize that our whole lives was not a game
and that time was a commodity that we could not regain
and that we were in control and there was no one else to blame is the day
That we change

It’s eternity no end
Eternity no end
It’s eternity no end
Eternity no end
It’s eternity no end
it's Eternity no end
It’s eternity no end
Eternity no end

What are you doing with your time?
What is your definition of happiness?
Are you giving more than your taking?
And finally, if it were to all end right now
what are you holding onto that you need to let the world see?


If you made it this deep you're a real one. Thank you for continuing to allow me to use my platform to make an impact. Your support is appreciated more than you'll ever know and I will continue to prove that with my actions. I'm more excited than I've ever been. 2024 is going to bring our best and most impactful work and this VIDEO is the PERFECT way to being. I am putting everything into creating pieces we can all be proud of. This is music for the people, spread BY THE PEOPLE! Like, comment, SHARE and let's continue to be the change we wish to see in the world. Thank you, love you all.
Рекомендации по теме

Dear Family, the audio was compromised on the last video so I had to take it down and reupload it with the right audio. Obviously it will hurt the views but I don't care tbh. I couldn't live with myself with the way the it sounded. Thank you to anyone who like, comments, and shares again.

Praying this reaches those who need and want to hear and see it. Like, comment, and SHARE and let's share this thought provoking piece. Love you all and can't wait to hear and read what you think...


Hey Dax I showed this video to my dad and we both enjoyed the message you are trying to spread. My dad told me he wanted me to leave a comment and tell you that he loves your music and what you stand for and how much you care for humanity and he prays that God continues to give you health and safety and the voice to keep spreading the important information and topics that we as society should be aware of and concerned about. Thank you for an amazing song. -Clifford McMiller my father.


Been in Ecclesiastes this week, trying to make my way through this Book of incredible wealth. "It is all vanity and grasping for the wind..." HalleluYah. THIS is IT.
"Seek Him first and all these things will be added." Been learning how mind-blowingly true that really is. Plenty more to grasp, but so far... THIS. Thanks Dax, love you man. SO grateful you didn't sell out. He promises to reward those who are faithful to Him. And though I can't imagine the battle it was/is, He DOES see and justice is happening in the spiritual, and soon in the physical, halleluYah.


July 1st, 2024
This is on my Pandora favorites...so I came here to listen to it several times more. 100% facts. I'm 55 & what do I have to show. I'm on the downhill side of life. "Hopes & dreams I never chased"...is so real. To the younger DAX fans....don't wait.


This hit like a lightning bolt . I’m 55 and have stage 3 heart failure with other heart issues. My clock is running out. What I just heard opened my eyes.
I’m not going to sit alone feeling sorry for myself and angry. What Dax just taught me is that as long as the sun rises I need to live instead of just waiting to die. This song shook me up. Wow. I truly believe Dax is a messenger like few others to help us make life better and appreciate God and every last day. God bless you My friend👍


Dear Dax .. No matter how many times YouTube takes it down ...all real Dax fans don't have a problem watching it over 100 times ..we love the impacts it brings to the societies 😊❤


Darn dax always making me cry man I'm a 31 year old grown man and this man makes me cry like a baby.


Hey dax I don’t know you will read this, but when I was in a dark path you’ve made me happy and made me go to God


I'm young, only 15, but I regularly spend entire sleepless nights thinking about the concept of eternity, and this song perfectly encapsulates the majority of the thoughts I have. Thank you Dax, this hits home for everyone.


As I am on the brink of retirement, this hit me hard. From now on, I live for me and my family, and I prey you all understand, there comes a time, where money no longer matters, time, time with your family and loved ones, to praise Jesus for all that has been given, this is what matters. Now, to listen on repeat a few more times as the weight of the world lifts from my shoulders. Praise Jesus for you Dax, keep up the great work!


This is the reason that Dax and NF is my therapist


I am a 55 year old southern white woman, but I ain't a regular one. My daughter found To Be A Man on Thur. Jan. 25th then I found the remix. This led me on a journey most of the next day listening to all of your music some songs over and over again. Book of Revelations broke me. Now here's Eternity and I just wanted you to know your words have given me strength. I started my journey towards the end of 2022 buoyed by my daughter and my brother. Then my daughter got sick and almost died. She and I turned that into a spur and ran on. In the middle of 2023 my brother fell. I got very angry because his attempts at suicide were just lies on top of other lies. I made the mistake of letting him know how I felt and now I'm afraid I've lost him even though he's still living. I cannot reach him. Now your words I'm using as my anthems and support while I climb back to my feet. I will not give up. I have something to say and the world deserves to hear my words. Thank you for being you and keeping it honest. You're a treasure I plan to share!


I'm 15 years old and ever since I found Dax never been happier. I love the messages you spend through your music. Thank you Dax

Love from Nigeria♥️


My uncle is dying from lung cancer right now. We have maybe a couple days left. He was like a dad to me. He taught me a lot of what you said in this song. I know he will walk into God's kingdom.


No matter how hard you might think you are, Dax proves we all are as soft as the clouds .
You have come a long way dax, and I have the up most respect.


You’re a beautiful artist and not just rapping but sending a positive message that will affect people for a long time. You’re a legend Dax.


Over 2 years sober. Prayer and meditation with positive music were both so important. This song along with Alcohol by Dax, I've listened to thousands of times. I love the video 🙏 God bless you Dax 😊


Dax’s work speaks for itself 💯 This deserves way more ❤


I'm 22 years old from south Africa, this year I lost my job and I was supposed to go to University that didn't happen. So all this time I've been worried about my future and what it holds for me but since I listen to Dax especially this song I came to realization that I need to enjoy TODAY and don't worry about Tomorrow because I'll miss TODAY and the things it comes with. So Dax Thank you for your music. Truly God sent may God bless you.


I have been searching for music to listen while I’m working out and make it a time where I can talk to God and listening to secular music is always an internal battle. Well today I came across your page and. My workouts victories is for the king of kings! Thanks Dax.
