What is GitOps | How GitOps works | Benefits of GitOps Explained

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OSCONF 2021 is a platform built to connect & bring all leading Meetup communities, Cloud-native experts, Evangelists & DevOps together under one roof. It is a non-profit community event that allows you to interact with community leaders, ambassadors & open community contributors.

- Apurva Bhandari
- Gaurav Gahlot
- Vinay Agarwal
- Aditya Soni


09:15 am Welcome, Introduction (Ajeet)
09:30 am JJ Asghar - Migrating a monolith to Cloud-Native and the stumbling blocks that you don’t know about
10:00 am Suman Chakraborty - From "build" to "release" - Let's 'Codify' all the things!
10:30 am Rajdeep Battacharya - Driving Zero Trust Policy in Kubernetes
11:00 am Gaurav Gahlot - Run GitHub Actions locally with DinD and nektos/act
11:30 am Preksha Jain & Prashanto Priyanshu - Chaos Engineering 101
12:00 pm Aditya Soni - ArgoCD - A GitOps automated Continuous Delivery approach on K8s [GKE, EKS, AKS]
12:30 pm Mitesh Sharma - Managing Multi-tenancy at RudderStack using kubernetes
01:00 pm Anooptej Thotapalli - Deploy Spinnaker CD Pipelines in Kubernetes
01:30 pm Sangam Biradar - DevSecOps - What, Why, and How?
02:00 pm Nicolas Frankel - Zero-downtime deployment on Kubernetes with Hazelcast
02:30 pm Paweł Skrzypek - Autonomous Multi-Cloud serverless deployment and optimized Management
03:00 pm Sylvain Combraque -How do I made a powerful cache system using Go

#docker​ #cloudnative​ #kubernetes​ #terraform​ #redis​ #cloud​ #dbaas​ #dbms​ #devops​
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