Wormholes in a minute

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Wormholes are some of the most exotic objects hypothesized to exist in the universe. They are the shortcuts through spacetimes between two locations, connected by a bridge called the wormhole’s throat, featuring an entrance and an exit. The idea of wormholes was first proposed by Ludwig Flamm in 1916 and later expanded upon by Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen in 1935, leading to the term "Einstein-Rosen bridges" being used to refer to wormholes. The concept originates from Einstein’s general relativity. According to it, spacetime can be curved, and a wormhole is a place where the curvature of spacetime is so extreme that it creates a tunnel-like structure. These bridges can connect distant points within the same universe, as well as between different universes. However, no traversable wormhole has been found to date.

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I think the reason why wormholes haven't been discovered yet is because we still don't have the necessary equipment and knowledge to locate them.


I will gladly volunteer to be launched into a wormhole to find out for all of us.


I wanna go inside like a slide and travel into another universe


"No traversable wormhole has been found to date". Does this mean that non-traversable wormholes have been discovered?


In a nutshell, it's the hyperloop between the black hole and the white hole


A tunnel shape seems to be possible because it is been visualised as 2D mesh, but it is not .


From all the knowledge I have gained about space throughout these years, I can tell that we will never be able to find a Wormhole in near future🙂


Space is really terrifying yet at the same time it's so beautiful _😮_


When it rained out, all of the little worms would come to the surface so they didn't drown. I'd try to catch one, and he would go right back down into the ground before I could catch him and my mom would say "He got away back down his little wormhole."
Noone talks about THESE wormholes. Instead we talk of the hypothetical ones.


a true wormhole, if they exist, won't look anything like seen in this video.
it will be an Sphere, because we are in a 3D Universe, im not sure what it would be made of, space itself? will it have mass and gravity? but it may iradiate some light coming from the other side.


The speed of light: i'm the fastest
The speed of wormhole: your father is here🗿


No traversable wormhole has found today.

Aliens: hold my UFO key.


Ludwig Flam's 1916 idea may have been inspired by the well-publicized journey of Professor Shiga Shigetaka who aimed to bridge East and West with the gift of a stone monument cut from the tomb of Tori Suneenom in Okazaki, Japan to the Alamo in 1914. He wrote a poem etched onto the monument celebrating the heroics of 4 Alamo heroes by name, offering a comparison to two Asian legends of yesteryear. He drew a parallel between couriers Suneemon from Okazaki and Bonham from 245 Wightman Rd. His gift amounted to a wormhole between cultures. Now get this: Japan and America show a mathematical connection that can't be denied when we examine the mathematics of spinors as detailed by Roger Penrose. Roger uses the Filipino wine glass trick to demonstrate how one rotation leaves the waitress holding the wineglass contorted, yet with another rotation in the same direction like magic she and her wine glass are back to normal again. In Mrs. Kerch's Matthewave 935, a quantized spinor, or wavefunction, we find a pattern of two orbital rotations that bring the head interval of the orbit to a square foundational sum of 42. They are 245, 341, and 437. The sum of their two closest factors is 42 since 7+35; 11+31; and 19+23 all equal 42. The next set of three double rotations brings the head intervals 533, 629, and 725 into focus. Each of their square foundational sums is equal to 54 since 13+41; 17+37; and 25+29 are all equal to 54. Now let's look at the day of the year whose square foundational sum is equal to 42. They are 41, the eve of Japan's Foundation; 185, today, America's Birthday July 4th; 245, Sept. 2nd Victory Day, the day a peace treaty was signed in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri, and 341, Dec 7th, War Day, the Day of Infamy at Pearl Harbor. On this day, Shiga's stone gift, the wormhole, was shot with a pistol leaving pockmarks on the surface of the polished granite stone. After chancing upon the monument on her honeymoon, Mrs. Kerch decided to name her school in Japan The Alamo School. She also began signing her artwork '935' owing to a likeness between the sound of the numbers in Japanese (ku-mitsu-go) and her name Kumiko. Kumiko was gifted with an extraordinary discovery after seeing images of Christ and Pi in her American home. She placed her numerical name into an abandoned mathematical model her husband called the empty tomb of Christ because he couldn't figure out the middle and left it blank decades earlier. She placed her name into the center bringing the object back to life leading her husband to publish it on Flickr, and later on Quora. On their first date, Kumiko took her future husband to meet her father at the kiln he managed. Her family is Japan's most revered potter family thanks to father and son Kei and Yu Fujiwara receiving the honor of being a designated national treasure. Neil deGrasse Tyson recently observed that Mankind only relatively recently was gifted with the near-simultaneous inventions of the telescope and the microscope. He said the millions of years our ancestors spent hunting the African plains equipped us to recognize a hungry Tiger, not figure out Quantum Mechanics or if or where the Big Bang fits in all of this. Neil is right. This is why it took, not a hunter, but a woman from a family of potters to finally reveal the mystery. In pottery, the potter knows all the action takes place between the hand and clay. Likewise in quantum mechanics, it is between the ever-expanding path and the orbital path. Thus minding one's p's and q's in this sense, means being mindful of the parallel worlds between pottery and quantum mechanics. Shiga Shigetaka was taught in Hokkaido by Abraham Lincoln's friend Colonel William Smith Clark. Clark taught him Botany and Chemistry and outside of class, Christianity. As a result, he was in the habit of seeing parallel worlds. He didn't take to Christianity as his friend did but in letters to his friend, we can see how it shaped his thinking over the years, how his blend of science and heroism combined into a gift that reflected the hope that the brotherhood of man may at long last be at hand. Mrs. Kerch brought his vision and Einstein's into mathematical form through a wormhole in Time to Matthewave 935.


V interesting I wonder if we will discover a traversable one someday that allows us to visit other galaxies like in interstellar


I appreciate how he states it was an hypothesis. He didn't come off as if it was facts. This is how we should share information.


If wormholes exist these probably would be around heavy objects. The more heavier an object the more likely is a wormhole to exist around it. So the black holes again come to play.. If there are wormholes they must be around black holes..


I think that the quantum fluctuations lead to the formation of the wormhole every moment, but they are so minute and small that we don't have enough technology to locate them, also due to instability, they just collapse quickly.


The film “Interstellar” starring Matthew McCannighew, directed by Christopher Nolan, presents a fictional account of these hypotheses: wormholes, teleportation, and time travel. Great film.


Bro just explained the inazuma eleven go galaxy space time travel💀


Space is so fascinating and unpredictable
