Λουρουτζίνα, ιστορίες των Κυπραίων

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Δύο καλοί φίλοι, ο Γιώργος Σοφοκλέους και ο Γιουσούφ Τοζ μιλούν για το τουρκοκυπριακό χωριό Λουρουτζίνα και αναφέρονται σε περιστατικά που αφορούν την συμβίωση ελληνοκυπρίων και τουρκοκυπρίων.
Βιώματα και εμπειρίες από τις καλές και τις κακές εποχές.
Αλλά κυρίως, και οι δύο στέλλουν το μήνυμα ότι ελληνοκύπριοι και τουρκοκύπριοι μπορούν να συμβιώσουν ξανά.
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Your videos are a deliberate journey fo me. My brother served in potamia august 15 1974 as well as other places in kerinia, he was greatful to the Turkish women of louroujina coming to the soldier's aid with water and food while they were holding the line and stopped the advancement of Turkish army. my brother has recently begun to talk about his experience as LOC. He served for more than 3 years and he now describes an unimaginable hell during the war and later the isolation he experience in Agros and Polemitkia in tents all the way to the end of 1975 when they finally released him from the army. Thanks for your program, is wonderfully healing for both. as a young girl growing in Trahonas I had the opportunity to interact with Turkish speaking cypriotes who also spoke Greek.
