#TheStruggleisReal Ep. 20: Immigrant Student Issues: Individualist vs. Collectivist Cultures
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In this episode, we will be exploring how people from individualist and collectivist differ in engaging in classroom learning, managing interpersonal conflict with peers, and ways to find middle ground.
00:00 Intro
03:23 Individualism vs. Collectivism
09:28 Value/Attitude Differences in the Classroom
35:45 Implications and Ways to Cope with Differences
41:17 Wrapping Up
Cadima, J., Doumen, S., Verschueren, K., & Leal, T. (2015). Examining teacher–child relationship quality across two countries. Educational Psychology, 35(8), 946-962.
Cambra, R., Lee, C. R., & Levine, T. R. (1997). Resisting compliance in the multicultural classroom. Communication Education, 46(1), 29-43.
Earley, C. P. (1993). East meets West meets Mideast: Further explorations of collectivistic and individualistic work groups. Academy of Management Journal, 36, 319-348.
Jack, A. A. (2016). (No) harm in asking: Class, acquired cultural capital, and academic engagement at an elite university. Sociology of Education, 89(1), 1-19. doi:10.1177/0038040715614913
Kaur, A., & Noman, M. (2015). Exploring classroom practices in collectivist cultures through the lens of Hofstede's model. Qualitative Report, 20(11), 1794-1811.
Kisfalvi, V., & Oliver, D. (2015). Creating and maintaining a safe space in experiential learning. Journal of Management Education, 39(6), 713-740. doi:10.1177/1052562915574724
Knowles, M. S, Swanson, R. A., & Holton, E. F. (2011). The Adult Learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (7th ed). Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis.
Merkin, R. (2015). The relationship between individualism/collectivism. Journal of Intercultural Communication, (39), 4.CLASH OF CULTURAL EXPECTATIONS 24
Mukminin, A., & McMahon, B. J. (2013). International graduate students' cross-cultural academic engagement: Stories of Indonesian doctoral students on an American campus. Qualitative Report, 18, 1-19.
Poteat, V. P., & Spanierman, L. B. (2012). Modern racism attitudes among White students: The role of dominance and authoritarianism and the mediating effects of racial colorblindness. Journal of Social Psychology, 152(6), 758-774.
Rose, L. H., Sellars-Mulhern, P., Jones, C., Trinidad, A., Pierre-Louis, J., & Okomba, A. (2014). A qualitative exploration of autonomy and engagement for young women of color in community college. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38(4), 346-356.
Shi, L. (2006). Cultural backgrounds and textual appropriation. Language Awareness 15(4):264–279.
Soria, K. M., & Stebleton, M. J. (2012). First-generation students' academic engagement andretention. Teaching In Higher Education, 17(6), 673-685.
Wagner III, J. A. (1995). Studies of individualism-collectivism: Effects on cooperation in groups. Academy of Management Journal, 38(1), 152. doi:10.2307/256731
Whatley, J. (2009). Ground rules in team projects: Findings from a prototype system to support students. Journal of Information Technology Education, 8, 161-176.
Wilson, D. (2010). What price respect: Exploring the notion of respect in a 21st century global learning environment. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 3(1), 95-106
CAPS is pleased to provide you with this site for your personal education and informational purposes, but nothing found on this website and/or social media pages is intended to be a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric, or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. CAPS assumes no liability for any diagnosis, treatment, decision made, or action taken in reliance upon information contained in this website or any other internet sites linked to it in any way.
00:00 Intro
03:23 Individualism vs. Collectivism
09:28 Value/Attitude Differences in the Classroom
35:45 Implications and Ways to Cope with Differences
41:17 Wrapping Up
Cadima, J., Doumen, S., Verschueren, K., & Leal, T. (2015). Examining teacher–child relationship quality across two countries. Educational Psychology, 35(8), 946-962.
Cambra, R., Lee, C. R., & Levine, T. R. (1997). Resisting compliance in the multicultural classroom. Communication Education, 46(1), 29-43.
Earley, C. P. (1993). East meets West meets Mideast: Further explorations of collectivistic and individualistic work groups. Academy of Management Journal, 36, 319-348.
Jack, A. A. (2016). (No) harm in asking: Class, acquired cultural capital, and academic engagement at an elite university. Sociology of Education, 89(1), 1-19. doi:10.1177/0038040715614913
Kaur, A., & Noman, M. (2015). Exploring classroom practices in collectivist cultures through the lens of Hofstede's model. Qualitative Report, 20(11), 1794-1811.
Kisfalvi, V., & Oliver, D. (2015). Creating and maintaining a safe space in experiential learning. Journal of Management Education, 39(6), 713-740. doi:10.1177/1052562915574724
Knowles, M. S, Swanson, R. A., & Holton, E. F. (2011). The Adult Learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (7th ed). Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis.
Merkin, R. (2015). The relationship between individualism/collectivism. Journal of Intercultural Communication, (39), 4.CLASH OF CULTURAL EXPECTATIONS 24
Mukminin, A., & McMahon, B. J. (2013). International graduate students' cross-cultural academic engagement: Stories of Indonesian doctoral students on an American campus. Qualitative Report, 18, 1-19.
Poteat, V. P., & Spanierman, L. B. (2012). Modern racism attitudes among White students: The role of dominance and authoritarianism and the mediating effects of racial colorblindness. Journal of Social Psychology, 152(6), 758-774.
Rose, L. H., Sellars-Mulhern, P., Jones, C., Trinidad, A., Pierre-Louis, J., & Okomba, A. (2014). A qualitative exploration of autonomy and engagement for young women of color in community college. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38(4), 346-356.
Shi, L. (2006). Cultural backgrounds and textual appropriation. Language Awareness 15(4):264–279.
Soria, K. M., & Stebleton, M. J. (2012). First-generation students' academic engagement andretention. Teaching In Higher Education, 17(6), 673-685.
Wagner III, J. A. (1995). Studies of individualism-collectivism: Effects on cooperation in groups. Academy of Management Journal, 38(1), 152. doi:10.2307/256731
Whatley, J. (2009). Ground rules in team projects: Findings from a prototype system to support students. Journal of Information Technology Education, 8, 161-176.
Wilson, D. (2010). What price respect: Exploring the notion of respect in a 21st century global learning environment. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 3(1), 95-106
CAPS is pleased to provide you with this site for your personal education and informational purposes, but nothing found on this website and/or social media pages is intended to be a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric, or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. CAPS assumes no liability for any diagnosis, treatment, decision made, or action taken in reliance upon information contained in this website or any other internet sites linked to it in any way.