3rd Wave Analog Core Synth Soundset

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I've made hundreds of sound designs on this great synth, using all the various engines, including PPG, modern wavetables and the new sample engine -- but this sound set is focused entirely on the hybrid analog / VA capabilities of the synth. Dozens of famous song tone patches are included, and classic analog sounds inspired by legendary vintage synths: Sequential Prophets, Oberheim OBs, Roland Jupiters, Yamaha GX and CS, and Moogs,plus modern sound designs that take advantage of the extensive capabilities of the 3rd Wave.

The sound set is available here:

The patches inspired by famous artists/songs include ones by:  Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, MUSE, Tears for Fears, Toto, The Cars, Boards of Canada, Prince, RUSH, Daft Punk, M83, Stranger Things, Blade Runner, Harold Faltermeyer, Foreigner, Journey, Duran Duran, Simple Minds, Talk Talk, Van Halen, Thom Yorke, Radiohead, Steven Wilson, Adam Holzman, Michael Jackson and more.

The demo video features about half the patches included in the soundset... there are 50+ more patches as well!   The sound in the demo video is direct from the synth, using only onboard 3rd Wave effects, and no external effects added.   The drums in a few of the demos are from a Roland TR-8S.

0:00 PAD Analog Core Intro
0:32 SYN Subdivisions (Rush)
1:32 BAS LED Around the World (Daft Punk)
2:08 LED Uniglare Arp
3:05 PAD M83 Outro (M83)
4:07 SYN Any Colour (Pink Floyd)
4:28 BRS All My Love (Led Zeppelin)
4:52 SPL Stranger Things (Stranger Things)
5:36 KEY No Quarter (Led Zeppelin)
5:55 SPL Noisy Planet Arp
7:00 SYN BAS KEY Axel F (Beverly Hills Cop)
7:51 SYN Waiting for a Girl (Foreigner)
8:13 SYN Welcome Machine (Pink Floyd)
8:40 LED Pink Dogs (Pink Floyd)
9:15 STR Supersaw Strings
9:41 BRS Blade Runner (Vangelis)
10:53 SYN Separate Ways (Journey)
11:25 SYN Rule The World (Tears for Fears)
11:59 SYN Mays Prophet (Lyle Mays)
12:21 SYN Muse Uprising (MUSE)
12:53 SPL PadBass Split Stack
14:05 SYN Just What I Needed (The Cars)
14:37 BRS Toto Africa (Toto)
15:14 SYN Save a Prayer (Duran Duran)
15:34 STR Orchestra Binaural
15:58 LED Lets Go (The Cars)
16:35 BAS BoC ROYGBIV (Boards of Canada)
17:03 BRS Don't Forget About Me (Simple Minds)
17:30 SPL Arp Split Stack
18:52 BRS Camera Eye (Rush)
19:55 SYN Tom Sawyer (Rush)
20:23 BRS Vital Signs (Rush)
20:38 KEY EP Pluck Pad
21:08 BRS 1999 (Prince)
21:26 SYN Doves Cry (Prince)
21:34 SPL Arpple Pad
22:29 BRS VH Jump (Van Halen)
23:03 LED CreativeSpiral Lead
23:33 KEY Yorkeything
24:16 LED Take On Me (A-ha)
24:35 BRS It's My Life (Talk Talk)
24:54 SPL Guitar Palm Pulse
25:40 KEY Dawn Chorus (Thom Yorke)
26:39 BRS Concert Brass
27:01 LED Robot Rock (Daft Punk)
27:20 LED Holzman Regret (Steven Wilson)
27:51 BAS Punchit
28:33 SPL Ticking Clock
29:33 STR Smooth Stack
30:13 KEY Everything Right (Radiohead)
31:00 PAD Slop Hop Outro

Latest Firmware - Optimized for Analog Sounds
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Nice work Jason! 👏🏻👏🏻 these sound great!


Lovely tones there, thank you for sharing!!


These patches sound great. Nice work! 🔥


Great sounds as always. How do you like the synth overall? Anything you don’t like about it?


this polysynth is incredible. i have a PROPHET10, an OB6 and an UDO SUPER6 and now i would really like this one too. but obviously i can't afford to spend 5k euros again. if i had to decide to sacrifice some of the synths i listed, which one could i sell? honestly i would have serious difficulties getting rid of the PROPHET10 and OB6, while i would make less of a fuss about the UDO SUPER6. if i could i would keep them all, but they are not toys. they cost a lot. these four synths together are worth a new car. anyway, this 3rd wave sounds really good. it has that sound texture that i like so much, and it is very powerful. i always choose my synths based on a very personal taste and i really like this synth. is it possible to recreate mellotron sounds? i suppose so because i read that it imports samples... Thank you!


These sound excellent! Great demo. I'm considering selling my Prophet 5 and picking up a 3rd Wave. It seems like 3w can do all the Prophet type of sounds plus much more. Have you compared the two? Any thoughts?


i personally went for the UDO Super Gemini but i may pick up one of these later, it sounds stellar! Do you still have the Pro3?


Will this work on my Akai Timbrewolf ? Asking for a friend!!!


Why use a digital synth to recreate an analog one?


There is nothing really new . Many other synths can do the same to a cheaper price.
