vinyl vs cd quick comparison

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this is a quick comparison of the song lucky star from madonna. this is in no way my favorite music but i think u can hear a big difference in the sound produced by each. overall i like the sound of vinyl better except for when its in-between songs or silent parts of the music cause thats when you hear the needle sliding along the record. you can see the picture of my turntable which is ok quality and its recording thru audacity into a macbook. i am a rookie at this so im sure others could do much higher quality recordings but i hope it shows the difference in sound.
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Problem we have is that once uploaded to youtube we are only listening to digital compressed audio.


The only difference you are hearing is the mastering of both tracks, not the medium's effect on the music. This comparison is invalid unless both tracks were the exact same version.


The audio samples should be matched for loudness (here the cd version is clearly much louder). Otherwise there can be no accurate comparison.


Depends totally on the CD player, turntable and cartridge, and the quality of the media.


yeah CD sounds beter and is a beter format in everyway. =)


Warmer literally just means more midrange, which can be done with an EQ.
Warm guitar strings have more mid-bass (heavy gauge or bronze strings).
Tube preamps add mid-bass.
You can get digital to sound like a record with a basic 10 band eq.
That said, vinyl is more fun. It reminds me how far we've come but that it's always OK to admire the technology that was on the journey to digital.


I did a comparison this week end and I can say that true stereo sound is on CD's


Why set the stage for a this vs. that argument when you can enjoy both?


The CD version is the Q Sound New Mix from the Immaculate Collection.


Some people say that CD audio is better than MP3 audio but when MP3 or some other audio files with bitrates over 100 kbps is played with good headphones, earbuds, and speakers with the equLizer settings you want it sounds as good. I would say that Vinyl played properly on a good turn table/record player (not one that is $100 or less) with good speakers and eq settings I like to put it sounds just good as good to me to. With my the earbuds I use (the ones that came with my SGS7) plus the Tube Amp Pro setting on, plus the equaliser setting I use with them I can get music to sound almost warm as Vinyl which is good for my ears. I would say that the SGS7 is very good for listening to music and watch videos with (not when using the built in speaker on it). Blackplayer is my favorite music player that I have tried on my phone. The best way to get music on an andriod phone with a Micro SD card slot is to get one with a lot of GBs and an SD card adapter so you can transfer files to your andrioid for free


You may be correct there is much opinion involved in what sounds better. As you know when musicians make the music they strum guitars and other non digital instruments to produce analog sounds. Then that sound is converted into 1s and 0s and a many different programs can convert it into digital music. I know i have seen some BluRay movies that look great and others that have artifacts and all kinds of crap in them. But i use mp3s on iphone most of the time and im ok with it.


i recently got a new stylus Ortofon Omega and it actually made a big improvement. i also picked up a headphone tube amp, since i only listen with decent headphones. For me vinyl is fun, yes it takes time and effort to listen to the music. i can see why most people just listen thru cheap little bluetooth speakers and cell phones. I do listen to CDs and mp3s even youtube which sounds pretty bad sometimes, but they all have there places. Vinyl sales are really picking up fast, in the year 2001 sales were about 1 million in 2015 about 5 million and in 2016 about 14 million. It will keep increasing as many more artists start making more.


The fact is that some people hate how warm vinyl is even if its being played in a good player and its clean. I like MP3 files with bitrates over 100 kbps, ACC files, CD, and Vinyl. I have no preference when it comes to audio sometimes I want to listen to vinyl and sometimes MP3 or other Music files.


Vinyl is defective by design with lower frequencies missing on the record and need to be re-added when played.


CDs, better sound quality and no problems inherent with vinyl.
Vinyl, better for nostalgia and songs that aren’t mastered to CD yet.
Change my mind.


Lets be honest warmer really just means less treble so if you like that just turn down the treble on your cd player


Where is the guitar on the cd version? Im on a phone so maybe thats the reason. There is no guitar right behind the bass sound on the CD. I agree the vinyl sounds warmer while the others pitch is a bit sharp.


Vinyl = Warmer audio quality
CD = Sharper audio quality


CDs are definitely easier to collect given that they are more widely available and often less expensive. Vinyl can be hard to find and tends to cost more due to limited supply. However, that also makes it a more exciting thing to collect when you find something rare and unique. If you love the format and want to build a collection, vinyl can be a great choice - just be prepared for a bit more work and spend a little more money along the way.


They sound like different versions to me. In the "vinyl" version you can clearly hear the string instrument playing after the intro, in the "cd" version it sounds washed out.
