Karen thinks MY POOL is a PUBLIC POOL... then TRESPASSES on My Property - Reddit Podcast

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0:00 An Entitled Karen DEMANDS that I allow her child to swim in my pool, but when I tell her no, she freaks out on me. (u/QuentinTonks)
5:28 Everyone I talk to about my engagement says terrible things about it, and at this point, I don’t know what to do. (u/Legal-Zone5613)
8:47 My Boyfriend hung up on me after I broke up with him, but I didn’t get the closure that I needed from our relationship. (u/UpkeyCDSBlast)
12:44 My parents blatantly favor my brother in nearly every aspect of our lives, and I am not sure what to do. (u/threelongtasks)

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Story 1: If you want your kid to go to someone's pool you ask the owner and if they say no, well they're not getting in. You have to respect someone else's property and boundaries. No trasspasing and no exceptions.


My husband and I had a similar situation at one of our vacation homes. The morning after we arrived, we heard yelling, laughing, etc in our back yard. For reference, the house is on 6 acres so we can’t see or hear our neighbors, so we knew it was coming from our yard. In addition, when we come to town, we usually stay for about two months, so our house sitter leaves about two weeks before we arrive to ensure the house is clean and all her belongings are gone.

Anyway, we went out back and found a family of 5 swimming in the pool. They had brought food, drinks, pool toys, and the father was using the grill to make their lunch.

We asked them what the hell they were doing here, and they said the owners allow them to use the pool whenever they want. We explained we were the owners and after some back and fourth, they admitted they had been coming over for the last two weeks without permission.

Turns out they were friends with our house sitter and had been to the house on several occasions for dinner, so they knew the situation with the house sitter and the small window when the house would be vacant. They had also broken the lock to the pool house/guest house and were keeping food, some changes of clothes, and toiletries, in there.
Needless to say, we were beyond pissed.

We told them to immediately get out, and the father said we needed to “chill out, and they would be gone after lunch.” They refused to leave! I couldn’t believe it!
We called the police and when they arrived the parents tried again to say they had permission from the owner, and were allowed to be there.
The police obviously told them to leave, and asked us if we wanted them trespassed, which of course we did. Then the father tried to say they lived in the guest house. That is when the youngest kid said “we don’t live there, we live at X.” When the father tried to double down saying he had keys, the awesome kid chimed in with “we don’t have keys, you had to use the big scissors to break the door lock.” The big scissors were gardening shears from the shed.
This earned dad a pair of shiny new silver bracelets. So dad was arrested and they were trespassed.
Thanks, kid!

The best part was about a month later we got a call from the mother (no idea how she got my number) and she had the audacity to ask if her kid could have his birthday party at our house. She promised her husband wouldn’t be there. I had to laugh at that one. Of course I said no. I still can’t believe she had the nerve to ask us that. Unbelievable.


Story 1: to keep that from happening ever again, I would also suggest installing a gate around the pool to keep random strangers from swimming in the pool.


As a pool owner, I cannot stress enough, how extremely careful you must be, with regards to pool safety and security !
What people do not realize, is that pool owners are held financially liable if anything should happen to those who swim in your pool.
A minimum of six feet high fencing, locked gates, security cameras, and pool alarms are a must !


Story #2: this same thing happened to me when I got engaged. None of my family or friends said a kind word to me. They said, "good luck with that." When my husband told his friends and family they also said, "good luck with that." We thought it was crazy that both friend groups said the exact same thing. We have been married for 18 years. Enjoy your engagement and don't let anybody get you down


On the first story: Many years ago, I lived next to someone who had a nice pool. Some entitled Karen tried this same thing, except we were in Texas. Long story short, he asked her to leave, she refused, and two minutes later found herself staring down the barrel of a .44 Magnum. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...


KAREN: Do you want my kid to have hypothermia?

ME: If your child gets in my pool again, I'll make sure his chances are high. *reaches for the temperature gauge*


Regarding the case of the engaged couple that everyone was talking down: Sometime people just are like that... We went through the same sh*t when we announced our wedding plans. At that time we were a couple for more than 12 years! Everyone just seemed to mock us about it: colleagues at work, my mom, so called friends... In the end we had our marriage in a very small circle, without our families, just the two of us, best woman/man and their partners.

Later that year we had a big wedding, with church and all, where we invited our families and other friends etc. - each invitation had a kind of 'read me first'-manual attached. This basically told everyone invited, that this was OUR wedding, if they want to be happy for us and join the festivities we gladly invite them.
However, if they take this as an opportunity to bring their entitled mindsets, unwanted opinions, family struggles and quarrels, and overblown egos to this event, they can stay the hell away!

It worked: everyone complaining about this note and starting to debate was removed from the guestlist and we had a great 'official' marriage!

Love & Peace


In my city, you legally have to have a fence with locks around your property to keep people out of your pool. No fence= No pool. I used to think it was a ridiculous law, but now I'm a bit happier about it.

Edit: I totally forgot to mention I do have a pool. That's why I said I used to dislike the law. I have to keep up with fence maintenance every year, but seems worth it.


I told my wife that we'd be married a few weeks after we got together. My family gave me crap after telling them that I proposed after a year and and even "tried" to make us go through compatibility/marriage testing before we got married. We've been married 18 years and I'm on my one and only marriage after most of my family has been married 2 or more times. Hell, my uncle who has been married twice (after even being attracted to my own mother) told us we would divorce each other. To HELL with what people say about your relationship because you two are the only ones who decide what you want in life. Congratulations on the engagement and I hope you both have a wonderful life together because it can and will happen as long as you both strive for it together.


My parents knew each other for two weeks before they got married. It wasn't a shotgun wedding or anything, they just fell for each other hard. They were married for 65 years before my dad passed. Sometimes it doesn't take a long time to find the right one.


Story 2: don’t pay any attention to people telling you you’re living your life wrong and getting married too early. You are allowed to make your choices and live your own life the way that makes you happy. Something I’ve been learning over the years.. is so many folks will never hesitate to minimize your life by comparing your experiences to theirs. Because people have limited experiences but large egos THEY know what’s best for YOU because clearly they’ve made it and you have to follow the exact same life plan as them to succeed. It’s not worth even listening to. If they’re mad you’re happy, it’s their problem. Don’t let them make it your problem too.


Last story :
Had to live through the same things without the sibling favoritism part, and like the narrator said OP clearly need to think of what he wants to do in the future, far from his family. He needs to put up with it for now until he can move to the next phase of the plan. It's hard before and after but it always pays off.

And do not forget to do obscene signs when you're leaving


4:30 OP is lucky. Everywhere I've lived in my life, a homeowner is responsible for erecting a 6 foot fence around a backyard with a pool, to avoid such an occurrence. Had the kid (or parent) been injured (or, God forbid, drowned), OP could have been held responsible, as his pool is considered an _"attractive nuisance."_ OP needs a fence with a locked gate, ASAP.


"Well if I was raised Wrong, then apparently you weren't raised at all"

Someone get the ointment, cause that Karen just got burnt. And that surprised expression she had just showed how right OP was.


Story 1: should've called the cops.


It's not refusing to share if it was never offered or asked for and granted permission. What she did was flat out taking.

Also, when it comes to pools there can be huge liability issues, so having someone you don't know just barge in and use it, can end up costing you.




I'm the middle sibling and was the one always left out or forgotten. As, a teen I worked after school and it made me work harder and was very fortunate to have bosses as my mentors learning not just experience but ethics and determination. It wasn't easy. However, at the end of every day I can always remind myself that all the hard work and determination was earned and not given. Life is much more rewarding when you've earned it.


In the state of Georgia the law states that you must having fencing around any pool/lake and a secured entry/exit. This is to protect small children from entering. And Karens.
