The Most OVERPOWERED Avatar EVER | Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 1 Aang vs Korra Who Is Stronger

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Strongest Avatar ever?
So the Avatars are all incredibly broken and borderline overpowered in the world of Avatar the last airbender and even legend of korra. But have you ever wondered just which avatar out of the 8th we know of is the most powerful?.. Aang became a master airbender at the age of 12, and Korra was able to use 3 of the 4 elements by the age of 4, so could it be one of them. Well no, in my opinion the most powerful avatar has to be Kyoshi, first off Kyoshi is.. Her. She lived for 200 years and had the power to not only voluntarily enter the Avatar state but also maintain consciousness while in it. And this was at the age of sixteen. She could also use lightning and lava bending despite not being from the fire nation. But her biggest feat came when she separated an island using both earth and lava, and then pushed it out to sea using her air bending. Like do you realize just how heavy an island is and she just pushed it using some air. Like I really hope your beginning to see that she really is a monster, and deserves the title of the strongest.
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Lavabending is actually an earthbending skill, although even if it was a firebending skill that wouldn't exclude her from it be cause she's the avatar.


Hama: I invented blood bending
Kyoshi: Lol! That's cute


She was also immortal too. She CHOSE when to die because she said she was holding up the cycle.


Let’s not forget that she only died bc she thought "nah, I’ma let someone else get a turn“


Pushing an island is even more insane when you realise how much earth there is under that island to be able to show itself above the waterline.


And she can also kill a person by freezing the blood in their heart


“Silly Avatar, back in my day we didn’t bend blood…

We bathed in it.”


The first avatar:traps the literal embodiment of evil with his bending
This guy:well…she pushed an island…


-Trained the Dai Li which is incredibly dangerous
-Can bloodbend and freeze someones blood(short story everyone thought this guy named Yun was the avatar, but when they realized it was Kyoshi, Yun killed all of Kyoshis friends, and Kyoshi froze Yuns blood)
-Dust stepping: She can earthbend dust to basically run on air and fly
-Immortality: She figured out some like bending technique to keep herself from aging I forgot at this point. She committed suicide at 200 since even though she could live forever she knew she could no longer fix problems with her age.
-Really strong neck+glass bending. She got strangled by a glass chain with shards of glass in her throat. She glass bended every single one out.


Let's not forget she created a power vacuum that in turn created ba sing se's government that allowed the fire nation to eventually seize it and also created the dai li who also helped the fire nation.


Kyoshi needs her own damn series already 😢


Yang Chen created a forbidden air bending technique where she used the oxygen in someone’s blood to control them, which is almost exactly like blood bending


kyoshi: you know whats more powerful than the avatar?
aang: what?
kyoshi: murder


I love that Kyoshi is getting her own movie!!! Hopefully it answers a lot of questions that we all have👏🏾👏🏾


Pushing an entire island is even more impressive when you realize Kyoshi struggled the most with earthbending


Kyoshi did what she had to do to get the job done. Unfortunately the Dai Li became completely corrupted.


Her impact was longer felt in the physical world as i suspect may be common for Earth Avatars.
Creating serveral groups that persisted well beyond her lifetime such as Kyoshi Warriors and the Da lei


The island act was wild. It isn't an issue of weight or air bending either, as if islands were a floating landmass. It is part of the earth so she has to separate the chunk of land and use earthbending to drag the landmass over uneven seafloor terrain or open ocean, probably into deep water, then earthbend to reattach it by dragging earth up to secure it. She's doing structural engineering in areas she can't see.


Yangchen is also a very powerful avatar she can suck all the air out of one place and leave it airless void and suffocate people to death
She has a supersonic scream that can totaly deafen a human if used in close area
She Mastered the avatar state and the 4 elements at the age of 17


One of her many feats without using avatar state in the novel shadow of kyoshi that people often overlooked is that she push a massive fire nation ship 100 yards to the sea with waterbending, freeze and destroy it in place.this feat makes atuat who taught her healing shooked because that's the first time she saw the avatar full potential for the first time.This feat alone overshadow most of waterbending feat in the series.
