Why I like to buy Harbor Freight & Ryobi Tools.

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#harborfreighttools #tools #harbor #freight
#ryobi #bauer #hercules

This video isn't to bash anyone, any tool brand or manufacturer. We like all tools & brands, I just think some tool brands are a little over priced. When I talk about pricing, I'm taking about everyday prices. I know on sale you can get great pricing for the bigger brands like Milwaukee. I want to show that harbor freight & Ryobi tools do the job, do the job well for the money & they last, at least for us because we don't totally abuse our tools because they were inexpensive.
We use the right tool for the job at hand. We do use top tier bits for our inexpensive tools though, like Milwaukee, DeWalt bits & Diablo blades.
Also, those blue Ryobi cordless tools you seen in the video, I got from my father in the early 2000's when I used to work in his company.
On another note, I love watching tool reviewers and their torture tests, but those torture tests are not everyday situations.
I hope you enjoyed the video & got something out of it.
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This video isn't to bash anyone, any tool brand or manufacturer. We like all tools & brands, I just think some tool brands are a little over priced. When I talk about pricing, I'm taking about everyday prices. I know on sale you can get great pricing for the bigger brands like Milwaukee. I want to show that harbor freight & Ryobi tools do the job, do the job well for the money & they last, at least for us because we don't totally abuse our tools because they were inexpensive.
We use the right tool for the job at hand. We do use top tier bits for our inexpensive tools though, like Milwaukee, DeWalt bits & Diablo blades.
Also, those blue Ryobi cordless tools you seen in the video, I got from my father in the early 2000's when I used to work in his company.
On another note, I love watching tool reviewers and their torture tests, but those torture tests are not everyday situations.
I hope you enjoyed the video & got something out of it.


I used to buy Ryobi but now I buy Harbor freight tools. Gave a lot of Ryobi tools to my son but still have a few left with a couple batteries. I like my Bauer tools and bought Hercules tools on sale. They are great for the money. I only have a couple corded tools left. 20 volt tools is my favorite. Except for weedwackers I use 56 volt EGO, the power of gas but no hassle.
