Auroras seen on Jupiter's moon Ganymede - On This Day In Space | Dec. 28

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Galileo launched in 1989 on a mission to study Jupiter and its moons. It also flew by Venus and Earth on its way there.

The spacecraft flew by Ganymede several times while it was in orbit around Jupiter. During this particular flyby, it was looking for auroras. Ganymede was in Jupiter’s shadow at the time, which made it easier for Galileo to see the faint auroras because there was no sunlight.

So Galileo was in the right place at the right time, and it successfully spotted auroras on the moon. The spacecraft has also made other incredible discoveries in Ganymede, like the fact that it has a magnetic field.

No other moon was known to have a magnetic field at the time. Galileo even found evidence of a liquid saltwater ocean beneath the moon’s crust and a thin atmosphere.
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_2020 be like :_

*Stay in drugs*
*Don't do Vegetables*
*And eat your school.*


After slowing the video down to 0.75 speed i was able to actually understand what you are saying :-)


Io also has auroras. Although Io does not have a magnetic field, its proximity to Jupiter (which is very massive compared to that satellite) makes tidal forces very intense (in addition to the gravitational influence of nearby satellites) so that tidal heating inside the satellite is very high and there are frequent volcanic eruptions, and the material emitted by the eruptions interacts with Jupiter's magnetic field, generating auroras on both.


Wow...Good News and Information, thx for share..


Amazing how even the local area keeps popping up as ' potentially Life generating'. As we move outwards, the odds of finding life just keep going up.


It wouldn't be solar wind causing these, right? What would cause auroras that far from the sun 🤔


Tisztelt Space! A világűr olyan mint az élet, vannak olyan dolgok amit nem értünk . De lehetséges megoldás bennünk rejlik csak elő kell hívatni . Ezérz kell több ember gondolatait összegezni . És meg is van a ZERO elmélet . Több éven át több ezer ember bölcsessége, tudása, törénete, élete, és olyan hihetetlenek tünő találkozás mely halála utólsó perceiben oszt meg valakivel .Ez elgondolkoztatô . Egy szkeptikus számára . LEHETSÉHES, TÉNY HOGY VAN TÖBB INTELIGENS FAJ . Én élem a hétköznapi életem , gyártom az elméleteket, és mindig nekem lessz igazam "sajnos" tévedni keveset szoktam!


I'm so glad Hanneke is doing this again I missed her sexy self!!


Could they have found anyone that looked less professional than that chick?


Since aurora is a latin word, the plural is aurorae.
