Unconstitutional: Will ACLU fight SJC 1:19 to protect media access in courts?

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The New SJC Rule 1:19 is overinclusive, overbroad and not narrowly-tailored to meet any compelling governmental interest such that media not be permitted to run video and to capture still imagery inside a courthouse common area. Perhaps I will retain Elizabeth Ritvo to represent me on this one LOL.
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@Dewdaahman Accuracy.... they don't want no stinking accuracy... they want ack-ERASEy....


@slewofdamascus Wrong state, that would be over-reaching. Not that that's ever stopped her before, Google KingCast + Ayotte + Planned Parenthood to see those two $150K checks she wrote after she got her tuchis handed to her.


@slewofdamascus Also you gotta' love the finger-pointing duel with DA Dan Conley. For the record, it is clear in the video that he started it. Why? All because I didn't give him a softball question to answer. Well that's not my job dammit.


@a2zhandi Try to send you a message. Stay tuned.


those in powerful and key positions need to be replaced right down to the "greeters", clerks of these various agencies.. they have shown they cannot lead but would be better serve us if they were on a cattle drive as they have become herders, as oppossed to leaders.. if the stew is foul ya have to throw out the cook, as well as the stew.. bon appitite.. btw, your brain records via eyes and ears and a camcorder records as well.. I ask you, which is more reliant when the "replay" button is pushed
