How To Design A Quality Poster | Poster Designing Tips

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Today we look at how to design a quality poster, using my poster designing tips. The tips that I have for you on how to design a poster, all are very relevant and will enable you to design a quality poster. So tune in and watch this tutorial on poster design top tips! It’s Tom with Satori Graphics back with another graphic design tutorial; today poster designing tips! I have seven of them in total, and all of the tips on how to design a quality poster are not related to the technical aspects of poster design i.e how to lay out a poster in Adobe Illustrator, or what is a bleed? I have other videos explaining things such as that on my channel. This video on poster designing tips, relates to the process, and the style of a poster. How to use techniques to grab the attention of the viewer, and to create a visually appealing poster design. So tune in and learn how to design a quality poster, today!

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Hi, I love the explanation of designing a quality poster; here is the text version
Solid Concept
 What message does the banner communicate?
 How are you going to say it?
 The message needs to be relevant in society in general at a specific time
 Using humor (Don’t stop me from having a Helvetia good time!)
 Shock value (Bunny with a sharp object)
 Keep in mind, target audience (who is the viewer)
 Direction and help establish the concept
Have a Theme
 Keep a running style throughout the entire design (branding)
 Invoke a feeling
 Typography, images and color choices
 Visual harmony
 Allows for the audience to engage with your design
Think Distance
 Reading from a distance
 Headline (attention grab - What)
 Most impotent keyword
 Bold
 Details
 When, Where, How and Why
 Around half the size of the headline
 Fine print
 Read by people who get into the design
 Obtain information in a concise manner
Love Space <3
 Allow your design to breath
 Visually appealing
Use Type Wisely
 Keep font use to min; 3 At most
 Use correct spacing and leading
 Use of hierarchy’s
Bump Up Contrast
 Bold
 Bold typography
 Bright color
 Attention seeking typography
 Visually appealing
Keep it Simple
 Execute it with minimum elements as possible without losing your central concept
 After looking at the design, people will understand what is going on in one or two glances
 No need to explain the idea to anyone (let the design speak for itself)
 Result
 Attractive, peaceful
 Translate positive connotation to the viewer


Remember this video is not on how to design a poster in terms of setting one up in Adobe software, and it is not a tutorial walk through on designing a specific poster, more tips on how to do it!
Have a great weekend everyone, and hope you both enjoy and find this video useful :)


Love how you just go straight to the point with your tips without all that airy-fairy bits of intro. It really gets the audiences going. Gonna be using these tips for my current brief — well, the first six tips, actually as I feel like keeping it simple for this particular brief won't ring true with its brand. That said, thank you so much for all your efforts in creating this useful and educational content. Don't ever stop! ^_^


The parts:
No.1 1:05
No.2 2:01
No.3 2:46
No.4 3:55
No.5 4:40
No.6 5:55
No.7 6:39
Thank me later


Awesome! Definitely useful. Knowing the target audience and having a concept before designing is absolutely important before designing. Great tips especially using contrast to get the attention and adding bold text.


Using David Carson as a negative example.
I can understand why, when talking about negative space, but i absolutely love his work :D


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Hi, i'm a first year design student. Currently doing a project on typography and posters, and your channel is really helping me out. Thank you!


i wonder how many people were brought here by school lmao


Yes whatever you have explained it's outstanding I never see anyone who's explained like this I am Indian but I like all creativity of foreigners 💜💜


Sir I seriously inspired alot from you.. I'm also a graphic designer.. I just completed my course.. I want to like you sir.. I watch all of ur videos.. sir please help me to be like you... As from where I studied graphic design they didn't cleared any concept and took 8 lakh Indian rs for two year.. I gained lot of knowledge from your videos.. keep posting.. and keep the good work up.. my dream is to work under you some time but I know it's not possible.. but sir if you can get in touch I feel blessed..
God bless you sir..
Praise the lord.. 😘


I do graphic deisgn work and I am making a poster right now for a company and this has helped me so much, thank you!


I really enjoyed this. I like the way it shows us examples


although it was all stuff i sort of knew intuitively, this video helped me through a 5am panic about my approaching A level graphics deadline so thanks a lot


I had to watch this for school but I am so happy I did, it has helped me a lot


Great tutorial, really simple to understand the foundations of designing a poster.


This video is incredibly helpful for my middle school students. Thank you!


Hi, I have been following up all your videos content, their are really helping me out in my projects




Wowwww its beautifull in work 💛❤️❤️❤️❤️
