Webinar | Making building performance assessment transparent & holistic

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On 20 September, as part of EUSEW 2022 extended program and hosted by BUILD UP Portal, EPB Center, ECI, BPIE and ECTP brought together key actors to make the invisible visible and debate about the importance of choices made in the national building performance assessment methods and their prerequisite role and high impact in completely decarbonizing in practice the EU’s building stock by 2050, while simultaneously contributing to strengthen EU’s energy security, in a webinar entitled “Making building performance assessment transparent & holistic: ensuring a reliable and level playing field”.

Moderated by Andrei Vladimir Litiu, Executive Director at EPB Center, the session involved relevant names in the field of building performance assessment that largely contributed to raise awareness of the need of a transparent, holistic and evidence-based approach for building certification, cost-optimality or financing purposes, as well as opening a constructive exchange that aims to be sustained after EUSEW 2022.


1. Welcome and introduction by Quentin de Hults, Director Green & Healthy Buildings, ECI
2. DG ENER – Building performance assessment methods in the EPBD and its revision by Pau Garcia Audi, Policy Officer, DG ENER
3. EPB Center – The CEN/ISO EPB standards and EPBD’s implementation by Dick van Dijk, EPB Expert, EPB Center
4. BPIE – Cost-optimality and EPBD revision by Hélène Sibileau, Senior Policy Advisor, BPIE
5. 45 min Panel discussion moderated by Rémi Collombet, Senior EU Affairs Officer, EuroACE

• Quentin de Hults, ECI
• Henk Kranenberg, EPEE
• Alain Zarli, ECTP

#BUILDUP #buildings #EUSEW2022 #EPBD #energyperformance #webinar

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