Can You Cool Your House with a Refrigerator?

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Would opening your refrigerator door be an alternative to air conditioning? The answer is: thermodynamics!

Source: An Introduction to Thermal Physics by Daniel V. Schroeder
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The answer is yes. Fridges work the same way an air conditioner does. You just have to vent the exhaust out a window, just like normal air conditioning.


Long speech is disturbing and time consuming


This video is really good.
I like your way of teaching.
It's reall excellent!!!


What if its a tall freezer only thats completely iced up real bad with fans built into the door? Lol


A question I have is does the freezer use more energy if you put things in it that are not yet frozen as opposed to everything in the freezer already being frozen? If the freezer always uses the same amount of energy at all times, you could load it up with water during the night, and then on a hot day take out all the ice and put it on the kitchen table to cool off the house. Then reload at night again?

Wouldn't that work?


For a similar reason portable ac units don't work. If you feel the air coming out of the AC, its very cold, but the issue is that to create that cold air, the AC unit has to create even more heat. "But a portable AC unit has an exhaust pipe that pushes the hot air out of the house!" One may say. Yes, that is true. The issue though is that you cannot push air out of a house without the house sucking air from the outside through all the cracks. Otherwise the house would become a vacuum. The AC uses inside air to cool other inside air, then pushes the hot air outside, but when it does that, it creates a lack of air in the house forcing outside air into the house.

EXTREMELY not efficient.

If you want a portable AC that works, you need it to have 2 pipes. One that sucks air in from the outside, and the other that pushes that hot air back to the outside.


Chat gpt just gave me the answer exact like that🙂


Thank you very much you added to
my little knowledge about refrigerators


What if the entire refrigerator is kept out side and 4" hole drilled from the door and a fan if fan is placed in the tip of a 4" pipe used in sucking the air inside a confide room. Just thinking


No your off just as much heat as your taking out of the air lolol


What are typical COP value (Coefficient of Performance) for an refrigerator?
A typical ac unit costs about $2000 in my area.
Ppl are throwing old fridges at you for free.
I need it for heating (typical ac gives 5x heat energy) . So if i pull pipes throug wall, and let the cold side be outside, and the hot side be inside.
Will it be much better than a regular heater


No one literally ever explained me so precisely for why we can't just use fridge as an ac.. u know.. leave the door open and sleep. Good explanation!

The other guy below who said waste of time for this video is probably a person with low IQ


Sariki Show with RJ Tanzila Malik, Radio show sariki program, live call recordingd


One of the most irritating unwatchable guys on internet he is
