Laravel: Facades

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What in the world is a Facade?
What Are Laravel Facades and How Do They Work? | Learn Laravel The Right Way
Laravel Beginner tutorial | Laravel Facade - simplest explanation
Ep04 - Laravel Facade: What is it and how to create one?
Laravel: Facades
What's New in Laravel 10 - The New Process Facade
Implementing Laravel Facades from SCRATCH!
Laravel Facades Easy Explanation
Laravel Events Simplified: How to Trigger and Handle with Ease | Laravel 11 Events
Laravel Facades: What are Facades used in Laravel & how to use them in App with examples?
Unlocking the Power of Facades in Laravel: A Deep Dive
Laravel 6 Advanced - e4 - Facades
Laravel: How to create your own custom Facades
Фасады (facade) в Laravel. Что это и для чего используются
How to create a Facade in Laravel
Facade In Laravel Application-What Why And How? | Laravel 9 Facades | Custom facade | Ajay [HINDI]
Laravel 8 in Tamil - 36 - What is Facade? How to create a Facade?
Laravel Facades 🤯(Simplified in 2021)
Laravel 8 Tutorial - Facades
Creating Custom Facades in Laravel | How to Create Custom Facade in Laravel | Create Facade Laravel
How Laravel Facades works (Arabic)
Les Facades avec Laravel 🧱
Explain Facades and Facade - How To Create Custom Facade In Laravel In Hindi
Facades no Laravel: Entendendo Como Funciona na Prática