The Mystical City of God

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Greetings from Spain. I am a great follower of this channel and I am a close friend of the nuns of Agreda, where the venerable Maria de Jesus de Agreda lived and her tomb is preserved. I have shown the nuns this video so they can see the beautiful apostolate you have done and they are very happy. Gabi, they send you their blessing and thanks for making the book and their venerable mother known.


I am a cradle Catholic who left for the protestant church for several decades. When my little boy was dying Mary came to me and has never left me. I am a practicing Catholic again finding comfort in Our Lady and Our Lord. Thank you sweet mother.


I’m a convert/revert, fell away from the church for 15 years. God and Mary brought me back this past February and your videos have led me to start going to confession once a week or every two weeks. I am allowed to receive Jesus again, after 15 years without him and I am receiving kneeling and on the tongue. I’m praying the baby rosary (five decades) daily but tried three rosaries a day for a week or two and MAN!!! You aren’t kidding about the graces. I’ve always had issues with a couple of my coworkers and they were bending over backwards to be nice to me. One even gave me a couple of gifts for no reason. My job is at a cafeteria at a high school and is very physically demanding and I had so much strength and energy I felt like I could work another shift after my first one was over which NEVER happens. Our Mother is so good to us!!! Praise God!! And thank YOU, Gabriel. You have helped me and continue to help me, to grow in my faith for maybe the first time in my life and I’m 47 years old. It’s never too late while we are breathing. You and your family will remain in my prayers. God bless you!! ~ Margaret Anne “Annie”


This book and that of Anne Catherine Emmerich’s need to be talked about more ❤️


Just a regular Dad from Texas, but I want to thank you for everything this channel is doing for Mary and Jesus. I have grown so much closer to Mary because of what this channel has revealed to me about her and her Holy Rosary! So much healing has happened to me, my wonderful wife, and our family of 5 children by devoting prayer to all the mysteries of the rosary daily; and I hope my message finds you well. Thank you so very much for doing our Mothers work here. In our time, she is moving about like a graceful mother to lead us to her son Jesus! Never stop spreading her message, and I pray that she will continue to shower God’s Graces upon everyone who works to make this content! Blessings in Christ Jesus! I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this book!!!


I’m a convert since 1991 praise God! It was the Blessed Virgin that carefully led me since I was in a Catholic school in 1st & 2nd grade. I used to kneel before all the enormous statues in the chapel not knowing at all what I was doing or what statue was representing who. Mary! Oh she saved me! SHE is so sweet & wonderful! I thank God for her!!! Jesus! What a mother you have! Thank you for giving her to us. I’m 61 now. Have been completely cured from cancer. Am a Traditional devout Catholic. Married 42 yrs to a wonderful Catholic husband, & am blessed in my children & grandchildren. I yearn for Heaven but Mary makes this earth bearable.


I just received my copy of the the four book TAN set and look forward to reading. I'm a former Protestant and convert to Catholicism so devotion to the Blessed Mother is new to me. I have recently joined my Parish Legion of Mary as an auxiliary (praying) member. Salve Regina!


"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides". We love you Momma!!💙💙💙📿📿📿


I have been praying to be lead to a book that will help me know Mary so that I may love her more profoundly and I think my prayers have been answered. I have done my consecration to Jesus through Mary and I want my consecration to go deeper that it may take root that no matter what storm comes my way those roots will not be uprooted, Mary that I may know you more♥️🙏


Mary is so beautifull, most Holy Mother, so much goodness Lord gives to the world through her merrits. Most Holy Mother pray for this broken world, and for conversion of poor sinners who reject you. Thank you for everything, i love you !


Can you imagine how deeply Our Lady must have longed to go to Mass?
A Mother whose Son had died and then ascended, the longing for Her Son to be near to Him in a material way. Surely she knew He was in Heaven, but I can’t help but think she missed Him afterwards. As mothers do.

How deeply she must have loved St John and the apostles as they were the only way she could touch her Son again. The profound love and so pure.

May we all desire to receive Him as Momma Mary did, and gather around her feet as the apostles must have, drawing near to hear about Our Lord as a child and all the inner life of the Holy Family 💜🙏🏻
Mediatrix of All Graces, please pray for us 🙏🏻💕💙


I was for so long a Catholic only in my Baptism when I was a baby and we went to Mass when I was little, then my family just stopped going. I finally became confirmed when I was 30 and I am so blessed to have the chance and blessing to become The Catholic I am truly meant to be. I am happily in the middle of reading The Mystical City of God! Thanks be to God🙏


Gabi, please, take it easy on us. I almost cried while eating lunch in front of my colleagues. By the way, I ordered the abridged blue edition from Tan books two weeks ago, with Kolbes prayer journal.


I LOVE The Mystical City if God. It changed my life.💞


This book is really really full. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK


Love the Blessed Mother! Never, ever let go of her guiding hand that will lead us to Jesus. Pray the Rosary daily for her intentions


Can a woman so venerated, yet so humble, not know what God has given her to ponder in her heart?
Oh Lord, how many hairs are on my weary contemplative head?
The Book of books is just the beginning, of what is known to us, His Love was from before this start...
Oh Lord, how Your sweet Words are, our most precious Daily Bread!


I was introduced to this spiritual work through Fr. Donald Calloway's "Consecration to St. Joseph: Wonders of our Spiritual Father".
I don't think I'll read 4 volumes that contain 2, 676 pages. But I may read the popular abridgement which was made to spread this account to a much broader audience. I really am into the apparitions and visions of Mary. They have opened my mind and heart up to God. This is certainly a book that I want to get one day to understand Mary and Jesus more. God bless you! :)


My perish has a statue of blessed sulanus Casey in our entry. I live in Michigan. I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit every time I say his name and I swear his statue smiles at me every time I pay homage to it. I feel I was led to this video by him as I have found it by accident. I’m going to read this book now


Thank you brother in Jesus Christ. You are doing a great job by making Our Blessed Mother known to world like never before.
