Preparing for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, Part 1

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Baader Astrosolar Safety Film for making your own custom filters (3 stores in case any sell out):


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I witnessed the 2017 solar eclipse. It was one of the most significant and beautiful moments of my life. I was most surprised that the corona looked silver, and stretched out to either side in beautiful streamers. The 360 degree sunset was pretty cool too. I'll admit, I cried.


Here is my tip, when its done hanker down and chill for a day before driving, last time it was dubbed the worlds longest traffic jam, expressways were like parking lots.


I'm a travel photographer, and the 2017 eclipse was my first. I made the decision to just enjoy the event and not stress about photographing it. Great decision. I'll leave it to the experts. Seeing it, experiencing it, is incredible, and I wouldn't want to miss that for photos that other people are getting, and probably better than I could. I'll probably still set up my camera on a timer.


I was in Missouri for the 2017 and the skies were very clear. I was on a rise overlooking a valleyish area and could see the shadow approaching. It was the most surreal thing I have ever experienced. It was like a dark laser cutting a swath through the Earth. When it got to where I was everything around seemed to shift into another reality. Every one, every animal, every plant went silent as if in awe of the majesty of a bigger, more real, nature.


For the 2017 eclipse, I drove from central Florida with my wife and two daughters to rural Tennessee just north of Nashville. I found a spot out in the middle of nowhere with 360 degree, unobstructed view of the horizon. Things could not have been more perfect. We had been looking forward to this trip for many years. I booked the hotel a year in advance.


Thanks for the down to Earth inclusive approach. I hope this enables many who might not have tried photographing the eclipse otherwise.


I'm today a couple of month's past the age of 74. I've been an avid backyard astronomer since the age of 10. In my later 20 year's, I've switched from deep space observing to only that of the Moon. At 55 I started planning my retirement and researching any and all data, choose to retire and move to Mazatlan, Sinaloa, MX. Some 10 year's ago. There's but one thing left on my bucket list. And that's the viewing of a total solar eclipes. In or on April 8th next year. Assuming I'm able to stay alive, after which I'll not care. But I'm going to be smack dab in the exact center of one of the longest duration's of a total eclipse in the history of Earth. Mazatlan has some 340 day's of sunshine. And it's never ever been cloudy day in April. Reckon that my planning is sufficent?


my place is right inside the totality!! all I need is the BBQ and lawn chairs!! woohoo!! I got some good shots of the annular eclipse on Saturday. we had like 80% and some clouds. but every time a cloud went over, I could look right at it and see perfectly!! hot some AMAZING shots!!


I'm so stoked for this, the exact center line for 100% totality passes literally a few minutes away from me. If it's horribly cloudy/rainy that day I will be very upset, but it is what it is :p


Thanks for the tips!
The 2017 eclipse was absolutely amazing. A backpacking friend and I hiked to / camped at a bald in the Nantahalas (part of the Appalachian mountain chain in western NC) for several days. During that time, and on the day of the eclipse, thousands of people gathered in the area but we had found a fantastic, secluded spot with its own little spring so we could avoid the madding crowds until we walked up to the summit a couple of hours before the eclipse. Standing on the bald, we had an unobstructed horizontal view for probably 30-50 miles. The vertical view was dicey, with partly cloudy skies.
Just before totality, we could see the shadow of the umbra approaching us at hundreds of MPH. If you've never heard thousands of people simultaneously gasp, I can assure you it is an unforgettable experience. Fortunately, the sun was clear of clouds for the duration of totality. What a day!


Great prep video. For anyone booking reservations for 2024, I suggest contacting the hotel or person you're making reservations with and ensuring they know the eclipse is happening. During 2017 I heard some stories about hotels and such cancelling reservations and relisting at much higher prices as the eclipse got closer. It ain't right, but you don't have much recourse if it happens to you.


Great series, Nico! I drove to Illinois in 2017 for the eclipse and all I had at the time was a Canon Powershot. That event started my journey into Astrophotography, and I bought my first DSLR a month later. It truly is an amazing thing to witness, and I hope people get to experience it at least once in their lifetime. Hoping for clear skies on April 8, 2024!


Outstanding idea having a series on the Eclipse. I look forward to watching all of them several times!!!!


This is all so cool…I’m 61 & this will be my 1st total eclipse…the bonus is I live in the path of totality - Conway, AR. I’ll be able to watch it from my driveway.

As a community service project, I’m working with the Principal at the Elementary school in my neighborhood to provide NASA compliant glasses to all children at the school (approx 400). It’s an especially important issue b/c school has been dismissed on the 8th. The expected circus during school time & later dismissal would be potentially dangerous & unnecessary.

I want those kids to safely view the eclipse wherever they are & not risk injury b/c they looked without proper equipment.


The most amazing thing about the 2017 eclipse was the cooling and cloud dissipation that occurred during the partial phase leading up to totality. I was in Columbia, SC and the sky was partly cloudy but by the time of totality the sky was completely clear


Thank You. I'm a native of Buffalo New York near Niagara falls right in the eclipse pathway! .I am planning and returning to visit during that time during the April 8th eclipse and I cannot wait. It will be spectacular!


For the 2017 eclipse, we traveled from Elko, Nevada to Casper, Wyoming and stayed with friends we hadn't seen for 17 years. I called and asked if they were having an eclipse party and they said, "Yes, come on over!" We were their only guests and one friend came over for a backyard BBQ. They were thrilled to have us. What a wonderful time to reconnect and view an amazing event. I was able to share views through a small telescope and get a few okay photos. Sometimes I think spending those few minutes futzing with cameras or scopes can detract as well as add to the experience. Certainly, planning and preparation is key to a good outcome. Thanks for the videos.


I talked my wife and kids into viewing the 2017 eclipse with me. They thought I was a nerd for wanting to do it, but we all agreed that it was one of the coolest things we've ever done. We were near you Nico. We booked a place in Bowling Green, KY and watched from Franklin, KY (just North of the TN/KY border).

Get to the path of totality. It's not the same even if you're just slightly outside of it. We ended up writing three blog posts on our Five Happy Campers site about it (one for planning, one for what it was like, and one for how to photograph it). There's no need for a telescope or expensive mount to get great shots, though that would be awesome too.


I drove 3 hours after work to witness the 2017 total eclipse. It was indescribable.


I was blessed to see 2017 Eclipse from a family farm in Kentucky right at the greatest point of coverage. It was AWESOME. I immediately went online searching for the next time I could see it. I plan to be watching right here in Arkansas!
