#uadiscussions #6 Drawn out state building: 20th century Ukraine with Prof. Guido Hausmann

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State-building had been one of the most important goals of Ukrainian nation-builders / nationalists throughout the 20th century. Yet even the most crucial attempts failed, first at the end of World War I in 1918, and also at the beginning of Germany’s war on the Soviet Union in 1941. When eventually a Ukrainian state was established in 1991, a long history of toiling seemed to come to a successful end. Since 2014, and more so since 2022, this success has become, however, again questioned.

26 April 2022

About the speaker
Guido Hausmann is a Professor of East and South East Europe (with a particular emphasis on Russia and Ukraine) at the University of Regensburg, Germany. He is also head of the History Division at the Leibniz-Institute for East and Southeast European Studies Regensburg and a member of the German-Ukrainian Historical Commission. His recent publications include the edited volume (with Iryna Sklokina) The Political Cult of the Dead in Ukraine. Traditions and Dimensions from the First World War to Today (Goettingen: V & R, 2021).

About .ua discussions
The .ua discussions Series emerged as a reaction to Russia’s violent assault on Ukraine. It aims to counter the information deficit that exists in the Netherlands about Ukraine and provide students and general public with a reliable commentary on Ukraine’s history, culture, society and politics. Using a compact format of weekly one-hour seminars (a mix of online and on-site events), the series will bring together academic experts of Ukraine from across Europe and the Netherlands. Short lectures (30-35 mins) will be followed by Q&A sessions.

The events take place on Tuesday evening at 6pm. The venue is the Oudemanhuispoort; the events are organised for an online-audience in the shape of Zoom webinars.
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