The Invisible Hunger: Millions of Americans' Silent Struggles for Food

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The United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, yet millions of Americans still face hunger and food insecurity. This is in contrast to the fact that billions of tons of food in the U.S. go to waste each year.

The issue of insufficient food goes beyond just quantity; it also pertains to nutritional quality. Many people have to rely on free meals from church kitchens, where the ingredients often come from food banks.
This episode has been filmed in 2017
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If you are a farmer, thanks for all you do feeding America. I don't think you get the respect due to you!! Thank you!!!


I am technically homeless. Husband left me, Parents are gone, no family willing to let me stay. I have a good job, yet rent is soo high it has been hard finding a place. I have a new understanding of how people can become homeless.


This is why I don’t look at celebrities. They buy 20, 000 hand bags but won’t help a soup kitchen. Everyone thinks it’s not their problem


I am black start-up farmer in Chicago. It has been a slow struggle to get things in place. I cannot wait to impact the food deserts around my area. Alot of funding goes to Big Ag. Thank you for continuing to shed more light on what is happening now.


A LOT of food (especially produce) is rejected because of superficial COSMETIC reasons; mishaped pears, blemished apples, tomatoes with a large stem or an off-center bloom mark, gnarly, contorted carrots, etc, etc. This is a MASSIVE cause of waste and efforts are being made to redirect then and seek them at local farmers and family owned markets.


I have been homeless within the past 5 yrs. I can say I'm grateful I'm no longer homeless. I can say i used soup kitchens from time to time. Yes I got food stamps. But there are restrictions like no ready to eat hot food. Therefore you have yo find away to heat food. Transporting food is an issue, especially if you have to walk everywhere you go. There are lots of obstacles ppl rarely think of.


I had 3 apple trees this year that produced abundantly. The apples weren't perfect but my wife canned an awesome amount of fried apples and apple sauce. This keeps us from having to buy as much from the grocery store and compete with people who can't harvest their own food. However, we are also blessed to be in the situation where we grew our own peaches, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbages, cucumbers and peppers. Our major proteins sources are venison and catfish which we harvest ourselves. The more a person can produce themselves the better off they are.


Food banks must be strongly supported.. they not only help the needy but also help fight crime


My daughter was a teacher in an elementary school. She kept breakfast bars and protein bars for kids who were hungry and no breakfast money or lunch. Mind you teachers don't make a lot of money. She had roommates for years.


I used to work in many restaurants including a buffet restaurants, but the amount of food that was thrown away was sick. So much vegetable scraps, over-made food, leftover food, and uneaten food thrown away everyday, all day, all week, and all year.


I still struggle with the after math of poverty and food insecurity after 20 years. Being poor scars you for life, especially growing up poor. I feel sorry for all the children :(


It breaks my heart to see homeless elderly Americans struggle silently.


We are a 6 figure income couple and had very little saved and not much cash lying around the preverbal".
'...don't have $500 for an
emergency" that was us. The big thing was debt all kinds of it, cars mortgage (although our home isn't a high price one), student loans for our kids, and of course credit cards.
One day we just got sick of being broke and went total scorched earth and became frugal overnight. Paid it all off, it took almost 5 years but now we have no debt and this year our savings rate is 50% on basically the same income that had us perpetually broke. So for us it is mainly staying out of debt and watching our spending, at first it was a real effort to save in our HISA and 401Ks but now it's actually fun watching our money grow. No car or vacation or neighborhood is worth being broke or financially unstable.


Hospitals and nursing homes routinely throw out tons of high quality edible food. Now our local government has made this illegal and they must donate the food to soup kitchens. But in many areas, this practice still persists. If this happens in your area, please lobby your local government to stop this practice and stop food waste.


Most of these people who are starving are not illegal immigrants, but citizens of US. The state and national governments have completely failed in helping them.


i would like to thank the people, who are helpig others, trying to minimize the pain and suffering of others. Thank you, your Actions means alot.


I have had a dream for over 10 years: a mobile soup kitchen. If people can’t afford food, oftentimes they don’t have transportation either. So I want to take the food to the people ina food truck. Pray for me that I can get this off the ground.


I remember my pantry days and spending Thanksgiving eating at a church. Bless all these people frfr!


I have never lived on the streets, but I have gone hungry more than once. I have also eaten out of the garbage and been so weak that I could barely walk. Conditions have to be created so that there is work for everyone, food banks are a relief but not a solution. Food waste is horrible from a practical as well as a moral point of view.


Don't kid yourself the paying consumer is paying for it with the high prices. The corporation get a win win with donating to food banks while still make a high profit from the high cost of products
