Why I Edit PRESETS in CAMERA RAW and NOT Lightroom! (2022)

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In this video, I explain why I edit Lightroom Presets within Camera Raw Filter to get better results. Using Smart Objects and Layer Masks will enhance your presets and I show you my editing workflow.

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I think the biggest misconception about presets is that they are "on-click and you're done" types of deals. Personally I use them as a starting place. I never use a preset and call it done. Generally I keep mine pretty basic (like sharpening and/or profiles, and perhaps a specific set of edits) as a starting point, but always refine further. I think this is the proper approach to presets that people should consider, not as a one-click-and-you're-done approach because then your images start to look very similar. Use them as a starting point for repetitive processes (like sharpening for a given subject matter) and other basic things, but then go in and refine the final photo further. This is why I personally also don't find functions like Syncing and Copying Settings to be of much use (except for what I would do with a preset -- like the basic sharpening and profiles, white balance, etc) and rather work on photos on a one-by-one basis and never really in a batch unless they are very very similar shots (same location, subject/person, same time, same lighting, etc).


Another excellent video 😊😊 was waiting from the last one 👍👍amazing content love it ✌️✌️


Personally, I only use Lightroom when shooting portraits with tethering. Other than that, I find the Camera Raw interface much more in line with how I like to work.
Also: I don't have "one click presets" but a number of custom made presets for the many, common edits (like light, medium or strong vignette). So instead of one click to setup the whole thing, I do a few more clicks, but apply basic edits to certain aspects. Since you can choose which manipulations you save in a preset (i.e. only the colour mixer or only from the basics tab) you can add a toning preset (i.e. adding the 65 to the whites) and then a colour one (i.e. the black and white edit), without overwriting any edits made in the toning section.


Camera Raw is highly underrated. We were learning to edit in photo class and everyone uses Lightroom or Photoshop.


Question? When you go from Lr to Ps then ACR, don’t you lose your “raw” image format and the additional latitude of working on an image while it’s still a DNG, or whatever RAW format your camera is? Great video, thanks for posting.


this in essence is how i learned it like 10-15 years ago from a masterclass of a very talented retoucher. everyone was jumping to lightroom but what she did instead was using bridge to open the files in camera raw, passing them to ps as smart objects, duplicating those and individually editing multiple aspects of the image separately.

honestly to this date, its my prefered method of doing things.

LR is slow and yes, the new versions have masking tools and such but honestly i think the layer system and masking within LR itself just isnt as good. it works so much better to draw masks and use layers in ps then trying to use the stripped down clunky version in LR.

also i think its faster and i much prefer the UI in camera raw over LR. LR somehow makes terrible use of screen space and to access all the panels on the right i have to scroll around a lot because verything is spread out so much. camera raws sliders do exactly the same but they are much more compact.

i dont really use ps to ''edit'' i do most editing within camera raw. i use ps as sort of a layer-manager and masking tool.


this has been my preferred way of editing for a long time now. using lr to catalog and do basic adjustments and then using photoshop to do the rest. Not only does it give you more control, but also so much more tools that after you learn to use them, you cant live without!


We love u Mark. I learnt so much stuff about LR and Photoshop from you. Your amazing


Aloha Brah, plenty big time Mahalo. I didn't know we get presets in ACR .🤙🤙🤙


This video is also spectacular same as your other tutorial videos. I already became fan of you and your editing style. plus, subscribed and likes. Thanks.


I’ve been editing in camera raw for the last 5 years and love it


One big caveat is when you're hovering over the presets looking at your photo in Photoshop camera raw, you could accidentally click the delete icon and there's no confirmation dialog. So if you're using your presets in camera raw, make sure to back up the files. It also hard delete, it doesn't put it in the recycling bin. 💀


You never disappoint me. Always straight to the points.


Thank you for this!!! Gamechanger!! Legend


Editing is honestly baffling me. Your content is so useful 😊


Unfortunately I am overwhelmed by photoshop and don’t really know it very well at all, so I still pretty much avoid it except to make panels for Instagram posts. At some stage I’ll devote a few weeks to learn it, as I know I’m really missing out on some great features and benefits using it.


A very useful video. I use ACR all the time and I've tried some of the filters but found they can do strange things to colours...particularly on landscape images. So it's handy to see some tips on how to correct this 👍
Thanks Mark


Very cool! I'll be trying to get out of my LR habits and give this a go! Thank you.


Hi Mark I used one of your other tutorials Perfect black and white and made my preset. It works in Lightroom but doesn't show up in camera raw ? Can you help please.


Actually pretty cool, never knew you could even do that!
