Singer Heavy Duty 4423 5 Inserting the Bobbin

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I turned my hand wheel 1 full stitch and it didn’t bring the other string and now I’m crying


i know u posted this 6 years ago, but this video literally saved me from quitting or postponing finishing my sewing project. i was getting so frustrated with my thread continually getting jammed, and i couldn’t figure out what to do to fix it. this video was just what i needed!! thank you!! my project is finished except for the finishing touches!


After many minutes of tears, broken threads, and cursing my machine, your video saved my day!!! Thank you!!!


Hello and thank you!!! Recently I purchased a sewing machine and haven't sewed for about 25 years. I just bought the Singer Heavy Duty 6360 and for the most part I really do love it. But the bobbin thing was a bit tricky and without your amazing, crystal clear instructions I would have been in trouble...LOL
Again, thank you so much!


I did everything exactly like that but the bobbin thread doesn't go to the top at all it just stays the way it is 🥺🥺


I’m totally new to sewing and I appreciate your explanation so much. After watching a number of videos explaining this, yours is by far the best! For the first time I’ve been able to actually get a handle on how to properly insert the bobbin. Now on to absolutely everything else 😅


I don't sew often: I'm a guy. But when I do, I watch your video every single time. I can't keep this in my head. LOL! Thanks for making this.


THANK YOU! I never ever, ever learned to click in the bobbin thread. OMG! GAME Changer! Struggled endlessly until now!


Thanks for the intel. I inherited my grandma's machine and I want to learn how to use it.


Yeah, watching how this bobbin threading is WAY easier to see it correctly by video rather than the diagrams in the quick sew card or manual that comes with the machine! Had to watch a video to learn correctly how to thread with the automatic needle threader! Now I can do it so much easier!

One thing I learned I. These videos is that the needles can hit the needle plate and poke holes in it or make a groove in the needle plate and then the tension will never be correct as the thread gets caught in that groove on the plate and stops the bobbin and bunches up and makes a big mess. I was able to remove the plate in my singer 4423 and use a metal nail file to file those grooves down so the thread no longer catches there. Boy was I happy that was the problem as I thought I’d really messed up my machine! The part that holds the bottom was also popping up due to the tension being thrown off in it, too, and I found a video that showed how to correct the tension down in the bobbin mechanism. I will be a full fledged sewing machine repair gal👩‍🔧 soon! Hehe nah, I’ll take it in to a real repairman soon cuz I’m not about to take all the parts that need taken off to have everything cleaned and checked and oiled. I have really missed the old Kenmore machine I got the first machine I ever had 50 years or so ago! I loved the old singers, too, but not the treadle ones. This computer stuff gets too complicated for doing gems and simple projects! 🙄


OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Every other video was very hard to see the threads (black thread usually) and confusing to follow.


Other tutorials need to take note of yours cause you’re explained it IN LESS THAN 2 MINS. Lifesaver!😍


I this and now it’s saying “Set the bobbin holder to the left” I don’t know what that means it’s my first time having a sewing machine. I’m ready to cry 😭


Legend! Just started learning, so many "tutorial" videos don't go to this detail. Definitely awesome resource for home learning- Subscribed!


Thank you for posting this video. I purchased the Singer model 4452 sewing machine, but had a terrible time getting it to pick up the bobbin thread correctly. Your video allowed me to see clearly the steps to take in order to get the machine to pick up the bobbin thread. Many Thanks!!!👍


Thank you so much! Much better than the other videos! When the thread came across the other thread on the bobbin I thought they were getting tangled. I was doing it right. LOL.


Thank you so much for your tutorials! What a bless to learn this all so direct and easy. I just bought this machine and feel confident enough to use it now!


Thanks! Easy to follow. I just bought a machine and nailed it right away with the video.


Thank you!!! I couldn’t figure out what was not working. My bobbin was to tall and the thread did not slide easily on top of it. Ended up turning around itself instead. Changed my bobbin, now it works like a charm! Thanks!


I have tried literally everything it will not thread. I have spent 45 minutes on this & am now crying😃
