Greek War of Independence: How It Started - Early Modern History

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New Kings and Generals historical animated documentary series on the history Greece and the Ottoman Empire will discuss the Greek War of Independence, which gave Greece its new era of independence. In this first video we will see why this revolt has occurred and what the life in the Ottoman Empire was like for the Greeks.

Pliska 811 - Byzantine - Bulgarian Wars - Pliska 811 - Byzantine - Bulgarian Wars

The video was made by Lito Areta, while the script was researched and written by Leo Stone

#Documentary #GreekWarOfIndependence #Ottoman
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Gotta say I didn't expect this at all. As a Greek, it's an honour kings and generals' team!


As a Turkish I can tell you that 90% of those names and events mentioned in this video are new to me.
In the school, this part of history is usually told in max. of 2 or 3 sentences.
Interesting historical facts. Thank you K&G.


The constitution of Epidavros mentioned in 18:11 was, at least on paper, the most liberal in Europe. Among other articles, it banned slavery.


And something that is not very well known, in the First Greek Constitution was established that "no one in Greek territory is considered or can be sold as slave". The Greek state was one of the very first states of the modern Era, who actually abolished slavery contitutionally, since the very beginning.


Always a pleasant surprise when K&G deals with historical events and time periods less known and less popular to the average history geek and unfortunately the history of Greece and Greeks beyond the ancient times (i.e. the medieval Roman Empire, the Ottoman rule, the Revolutionary War, the modern nation-state etc.) falls into this category. Good work! A few corrections and trivia: 1) Between 1453 and 1821 various Greek revolts against Ottoman rule broke out but failed, the most notable of them being the Orlov Revolt of 1770, 2) Actually the revolution in the Morea was not declared on the 25th of March 1821 by Bishop Germanos of Old Patras in Agia Lavra. According to some sources the date was indeed preselected by Ypsilantis as the day of general insurrection in Greece proper, in order to coincide with the feast of the Annunciation of Virgin Mary and to invoke the obvious connotations (a message of hope and future salvation). Events unfolded rapidly in mid-March, as Ottoman authorities were becoming more and more suspicious and the revolution could not wait any more. On the 17th the Maniots raised the revolutionary flag and marched on Kalamata, the city was liberated on the 23rd. On the 21st Panagiotis Karatzas raised the banner in Patra, the same day Kalavryta was liberated. Bishop Germanos of course was himself a member of tthe Filiki Etairia and played a role in the outbreak of the Revolution, but the Agia Lavra doxology was rather a romanticized depiction of the events, associated nowadays with conservative, nationalist circles. 3) Alexandros Ypsilantis wasn't just a wealthy Phanariote aristocrat. He was a senior cavalry officer in the Imperial Russian Army. He fought in the Napoleonic Wars, and holding the rank of Lt. Colonel by 1813, he lost his right arm in the Battle of Dresden. He eventually reached the rank of Major General and he had even become aide-de-camp to Emperor Alexander I., 4) Dimitrios Ypsilantis, Alexander's younger brother, had also served in the Russian Army with the rank of captain and despite his class background, he sided with Kolokotronis and the "warlord" faction against the Greek upper class of the time. Yet he tried to play an appeasing role between sides in the civil strife that followed, 5) Omer Vryoni after defeating outnumbered Athanasios Diakos in the Battle of Alamana and taking him captive, offered him his life in exhange for conversion and an officer position in the Ottoman Amry. Diakos refused with the words: "I was born a Greek and i will die a Greek". He was executed by impalement. Besides his heroic stance, his wording in his reply is a prime example of the different terminology in self identification of the Greeks at the time, with three different ethnonyms: "Έλληνας" (Hellene) the official since then, commonly translated in English as Greek, "Γραικός" (Greek), derived form the latin Graeci which in turn derived from the ancient greek tribe of Graikoi and "Ρωμιός" (Romios i.e. Roman). Diakos chose the "Γραικός" form.


''Greeks don't fight like Heroes, Heroes fight like Greeks''
- Winston Churchill


Finally! We already got Greece during World War II, and now we got their independence.

Fun fact: Pedro I of Brazil almost was the first king of independent Greece, in 1821, but he refused.


Salute to our Greek friends from Bulgaria! Let us continue building a better future for all of us in the Balkans. There have been too many wars and divisions in our small but beautiful part of the world! We deserve better. Congratulations on 200 years of independence!


Greek here and let me just say that the quality of these are so high, that i feel the sincere need to thank all those involved in their creation. We need to know. We need to remember.


First Greek uprising against the Ottomans was in 1481 just 28 years after the Fall of Konstantinople. Since that one 123 attempts were made. The 1821 revolution was the 124th.

Really happy to see this video. I’m married to a very proud Greek woman and constantly given history lessons on Greek history and culture. Can show her this.


I have been asking so many history YouTube channels to do an episode about Greek revolution, but no one even bothers to do so, I can't express my gratitude and happiness for you guys, I can guarantee that all of us Greeks will love the series


As a Turk, i am glad that this subject is finally mentioned. It is great to learn about our neighborhoods modern history and how the Greece was born again. Personally i am glad that the modern Greece is born so we are able to enjoy modernism and enlightment in Aegean. And it is also ignorant to see each other as enemies after all these years. Turks and Greeks are not enemies. We are neighbours and i am happy about it. Dont care what so called “Nationalists” think.


Oh wow, this war is at last being presented in big YouTube History channels. Excited to see it in a bit!


Amazing to see how the Greeks survived and fought since the Bronze Age to exist. Impressive


The first Greek constitution was scandalously liberal and ahead of its time with notions such as religious freedom and equality, and the abolition of slavery. Speaking of constitutions, Kapodistrias, the foreign minister of the Russian Empire, was a diplomatic genius and post-Napoleonic Europe is his brainchild, particularly Switzerland, whose constitution and direct form of democracy was his idea, inspired by the Athenian democracy. He was also probably the head of the Filiki Etairia but pretended to disagree with them so that he wouldn't be compromised.


Well done guys. This content and narrative were outstanding.

A Turk here. I sincerely loved all Greeks I've met. Hope everybody happen to find such opportunity.


As a Romanian I would love to watch an episode about Tudor Vladimirescu, who also rebelled against the Ottomans but came into conflict with the Etaireia as he wanted the Phanariotes out of Wallachia and Moldavia as well.


Thank you kings and generals. You make very important work.
Love Greek history (the Greeks are one of the most interesting ethnic groups and they have a big history to tell).


Loving this series! Watch one of your videos before bed every night and it's shocking how much it increases your historical knowledge. 20 minutes a night as a habit and over a year or so you pick up quite a lot of information
