Icon For Hire ~ Sorry About Your Parents ~ Lyrics

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Requested by Lyoko Beats

Artist: Icon For Hire
Album: Icon For Hire
Song: Sorry About Your Parents
Track: 5
Video by: Ethelia Jumper

I'm sorry about your parents, they sound like bad people
Your daddy sounds like a jerk
I guess your mama didn't know the gift she got when she got you
I'm sorry about your life, you had it pretty rough
Bending over backwards, never good enough
You poor thing, it must suck to be you
And I know it's not your fault, it never is, is it?

I know what it's like staying up all night nursing wounds
It takes more than I have, pick fights with the past, I always lose
Oh, don't you know? That's no way to live
I know what it's like staying up all night nursing wounds

I get it, give me a little credit
I remember when I was that pathetic
Wear my scars on my sleeve, for all the world to see
Like look what they did to me quick, lay on the sympathy thick
You probably have the right to feel how you do
You were mistreated and cheated out of the childhood you needed
And now you'll never succeed if you're so convinced you're defeated
If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it
And I know it's not your fault, it never is, is it, is it, is it?

I know what it's like staying up all night nursing wounds
It takes more than I have, pick fights with the past, I always lose
Oh, don't you know? That's no way to live
I know what it's like staying up all night nursing wounds
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I like how this is cynical but still sympathetic. It's about not sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself and that you can only do that for so long but you're the only one who can help yourself in the end


“Look what they did to me, Quick lay on the sympathy thick”
This lyric in specific really resonated in me. I rarely act like I have a problem or need help, but when I do I feel like I push it and try to make people feel bad for me. It makes me feel selfish, and it also hurts because rarely do I get anyone to acknowledge it since the only friend I have thinks they need more attention than anyone else


For people calling this victim blaming I think this song isn't addressing people who are currently in an abusive situation. I think this song is for the people who got out of it but are more interested in getting pity and feeling affirmed than in actually healing and moving on. A lot of icon for hire songs talk about the people who wallow and celebrate in their depression and misfortune rather than try to heal.


*5 seconds into song*
me: Hello song, and where exactly have YOU been all my life?


"I know what it's like, staying up all night, nursing wounds"

I wish people were as reliable as music.


God, this song. I love how the first verse comes off almost as accusatory tone like "Oh, poor you, you have it so tough" along with the chorus.

Then the second verse happens and you realize the singer *does* know what it's like, and saying that it's not their fault in a sincere genuine way. She's trying to get them to look at life differently and let go of the self imposed guilt you were taught to gaslight yourself into. The whole rest of the song changes at that point.

I really do love this band.


i don’t think it’s victim blaming, i think it’s someone calling out another person for using their past as an excuse for their bad behavior


"it takes, takes more then i have
pick fights with the past, i always lose"
holy shit that hit me so hard, i've never related with a line so much


The comments section both saddens me and gives me hope at the same time...


A lot of people are talking about how this song helped them in the comments and sad stuff and meanwhile I'm just
I just
I just like the song man


Out of all of the songs out there people say save lives, this one did it for me.

Made me snap in reality, past is in the past, and when it repeats, as it's trying to, fucking stand up for yourself. Don't let the past get you down, it still does at times, but this song helps whenever it tries to haunt you. It's like a shove into reality, there's people with worse problems. It hurts, you went through it, but you have to move on. Don't get stuck in the past, accept it and look forward, and let your past help you to help others going through it. Don't look down at it, look up and smile. After all...It's shaped you into who you are now.


I feel like this song has more of a mocking tone to it than a comforting one, its passive aggressive lmao


The point is that the person the singer is talking to is using their abusive childhood as an excuse for current toxic behavior. And the singer has a similar experience, and calls them out on their bullshit. It's not saying people who suffer from abuse shouldn't talk about it, nor is it meant to be relatable, it's saying that you can't use the abuse as an excuse for your *own* toxic behavior.


Impressive. "Hey, life sucks, shit happens. Get over it because you can't fix the past." Good message, most songs in this genre cater to just being downtrodden and beaten from the things that can't be fixed or avoided.


"You were mistreated and cheated out of the childhood you needed."
I have never heard a truer line of music in my entire life.


"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it"


man, i love a depressing song as much as the next guy, but icon for hire is what people need to hear. not only does she tap directly into the societal ills and the struggles people go through, but she inspires you to actually overcome it by showing you exactly what youre doing wrong. its like a slap in the face, but its what everyone needs


This song I feel is to say “hey I get you’ve been through a lot and it’s not easy, but you’re not there anymore, you’re capable and you can past this and live life to the fullest” but it doesn’t exactly tell it sugar coated, it tells it how it is; this song is so healing for me.

EDIT: it’s not easy living life to the fullest when you’ve been through a lot, but everyone deserves to do it, no matter what they’ve been through.


I love this song's message. Its really saying that the reason it still bothers you is that you're living in the past. It encourages you to keep going and move on, beacuse things get better. "if you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it"


Dang man...it was like this song was talking to me. I have felt everything in this song.
