Complete JavaScript Course + Notes for Beginners in Hindi

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Complete JavaScript Video Course + Notes (Slides) + Exercise for Beginners #javascript

Course Content :

00:00:00 Intro and Setups

|-Chapter 1 Data Types
00:07:55 1.1 Adding Javascript
00:12:11 1.2 Variables
00:16:10 1.3 Data Types
00:20:40 1.4 Strings
00:25:19 1.5 String Methods
00:36:39 1.6 Numbers
00:41:40 1.7 Loose Equality Vs Strict Equality
00:44:14 1.8 Type Conversion
00:48:12 1.9 Arrays
00:55:35 1.10 Boolean Values And Comparison Operators

|-Chapter 2 Control Flow

01:12:49 2.1 For Loop
01:18:56 2.2 While Loop
01:25:20 2.3 Do While Loop
01:27:00 2.4 if / else if / else
2.5 nested if statement
01:34:37 2.6 Break And Continue
01:39:09 2.7 Logical Operators
01:45:21 2.8 Variable and Block Scope
01:49:22 2.9 Ternary operator
01:53:52 2.10 Switch statement

|-Chapter 3 Functions
02:03:26 3.1 function and function expression
02:07:22 3.2 function parameters and arguments
3.3 Return statement
02:15:58 3.4 Arrow Function
02:19:05 3.5 Higher Order Function - Callbacks
02:23:13 3.6 Higher Order Function - Returning functions
02:27:31 3.7 IIFE
02:29:19 3.8 setTimeOut And setInterval
02:35:02 3.9 Hoisting

|-Chapter 4 Objects
02:45:01 4.1 Object Introduction
02:53:56 4.2 Function Vs methods
02:56:57 4.3 "this" keyword
03:02:41 4.4 forEach Method
03:05:08 4.5 Objects inside Array
03:08:20 4.6 Math Object
03:12:15 4.7 Call, apply and bind
03:26:27 4.8 Pass by value and pass by reference
03:30:58 4.9 for-in loop

|-Chapter 5 DOM

03:42:02 5.1 DOM Introduction
03:46:08 5.2 Query Selector
03:51:43 5.3 Other Ways to access Elements
03:56:58 5.4 innerText Vs innerHTML
04:02:26 5.5 Getting And Setting the Attribute
04:06:10 5.6 Adding the style
04:08:10 5.7 Add, Remove And Replace Class
04:10:50 5.8 Parent Children and Sibling
04:17:31 5.9 Event Basics
04:26:31 5.10 Creating And Removing Element
04:29:18 5.11 Bubbling And Delegation

|-Chapter 6 DOM - Forms

04:39:35 6.1 Submit Event
04:46:35 6.2 Regular Expression
6.3 Basic Form Validation
6.4 Keyboard Event

|-Chapter 7 Array Methods

05:12:44 7.0 Array Methods
05:17:52 7.1 slice
05:20:31 7.2 splice
05:24:42 7.3 at
05:28:35 7.4 Map
05:32:08 7.5 Filter
05:35:24 7.6 Reduce
05:38:36 7.7 find
05:41:32 7.8 findIndex
05:44:36 7.9 some and every
05:49:24 7.10 flat Method
05:53:59 7.11 flatMap Method
05:59:25 7.12 Sorting arrays
06:06:44 7.13 Chaining of methods

|-Chapter 8 Date
06:18:43 8.1 Date And Time
8.2 Date And Time Methods
06:28:14 8.3 Digital Clock

|-Chapter 9 LocalStorage
06:31:47 9.1 Local Storage intro
06:34:01 9.2 Set and Get items
06:38:11 9.3 Deleting Items
06:39:34 9.4 Store Complex data

|-Chapter 10 OOP

06:44:42 10.1 Constructor and NEW operator
06:51:30 10.2 Prototypes
06:56:13 10.3 Prototypical inheritance
07:02:18 10.4 ES6 Classes
07:08:28 10.5 setters and getters
07:14:27 10.6 static methods
07:18:13 10.7 Class Inheritance
10.8 Inheritance by Prototypes
07:30:16 10.9 Chaining of methods

|-Chapter 11 Async JS
07:41:41 11.1 Async Code
07:44:41 11.2 XML Http Request
07:50:16 11.3 Status code
07:52:46 11.4 Call back Function
08:00:34 11.5 Extracting JSON data
08:04:01 11.6 Callback hell
08:09:10 11.7 Basics of Promise
08:16:48 11.8 Chaining of promise
08:20:06 11.9 Fetch API
08:22:53 11.10 Async Await
11.11 Custom Errors
11.12 Async Await without return statement
11.13 Error Handling using try catch method

|-Chapter 12 ES6
08:44:03 12.1 Array De-structuring
08:52:45 12.2 Object De-structuring
09:02:09 12.3 Spread Operator
09:07:59 12.4 Rest Operator
09:11:39 12.5 Short Circuiting
09:16:26 12.6 Nullish coalescing operator
09:18:22 12.7 for-of loop
09:22:15 12.8 Enhanced Object Literals-shortcuts
09:26:13 12.9 Optional Chaining
09:31:37 12.10 Looping Objects
09:36:22 12.11 Sets
09:40:32 12.12 Map Intro And Map Iteration

|-Chapter 13 Modern Tooling

13.1 Importing and Exporting ES6 Modules
13.2 Top level await ES2022
13.3 Module pattern
13.4 Intro to NPM

|-Chapter 14 Advance Concepts

14.1 Closures
Рекомендации по теме

00:00:00 Intro and Setups

|-Chapter 1 Data Types
* 00:07:55 1.1 Adding Javascript
* 00:12:11 1.2 Variables
* 00:16:10 1.3 Data Types
* 00:20:40 1.4 Strings
* 00:25:19 1.5 String Methods
* 00:36:39 1.6 Numbers
* 00:41:40 1.7 Loose Equality Vs Strict Equality
* 00:44:14 1.8 Type Conversion
* 00:48:12 1.9 Arrays
* 00:55:35 1.10 Boolean Values And Comparison Operators
* 00:58:34 Revision

|-Chapter 2 Control Flow

* 01:12:49 2.1 For Loop
* 01:18:56 2.2 While Loop
* 01:25:20 2.3 Do While Loop
* 01:27:00 2.4 if / else if / else
* 01:32:26 2.5 nested if statement
* 01:34:37 2.6 Break And Continue
* 01:39:09 2.7 Logical Operators
* 01:45:21 2.8 Variable and Block Scope
* 01:49:22 2.9 Ternary operator
* 01:53:52 2.10 Switch statement
* 01:56:26 Revision

|-Chapter 3 Functions
* 02:03:26 3.1 function and function expression
* 02:07:22 3.2 function parameters and arguments
* 02:11:29 3.3 Return statement
* 02:15:58 3.4 Arrow Function
* 02:19:05 3.5 Higher Order Function - Callbacks
* 02:23:13 3.6 Higher Order Function - Returning functions
* 02:27:31 3.7 IIFE
* 02:29:19 3.8 setTimeOut And setInterval
* 02:35:02 3.9 Hoisting
* 02:37:50 Revision

|-Chapter 4 Objects
* 02:45:01 4.1 Object Introduction
* 02:53:56 4.2 Function Vs methods
* 02:56:57 4.3 “this” keyword
* 03:02:41 4.4 forEach Method
* 03:05:08 4.5 Objects inside Array
* 03:08:20 4.6 Math Object
* 03:12:15 4.7 Call, apply and bind
* 03:26:27 4.8 Pass by value and pass by reference
* 03:30:58 4.9 for-in loop
* 03:33:16 4.9 Chapter 4 Revision

|-Chapter 5 DOM

* 03:42:02 5.1 DOM Introduction
* 03:46:08 5.2 Query Selector
* 03:51:43 5.3 Other Ways to access Elements
* 03:56:58 5.4 innerText Vs innerHTML
* 04:02:26 5.5 Getting And Setting the Attribute
* 04:06:10 5.6 Adding the style
* 04:08:10 5.7 Add, Remove And Replace Class
* 04:10:50 5.8 Parent Children and Sibling
* 04:17:31 5.9 Event Basics
* 04:26:31 5.10 Creating And Removing Element
* 04:29:18 5.11 Bubbling And Delegation
* 04:35:42 5.12 More Events

|-Chapter 6 DOM - Forms

* 04:39:35 6.1 Submit Event
* 04:46:35 6.2 Regular Expression
* 04:55:19 6.3 Basic Form Validation
* 04:59:16 6.4 Keyboard Event
* 05:04:10 Revision

|-Chapter 7 Array Methods

* 05:12:44 7.0 Array Methods
* 05:17:52 7.1 slice
* 05:20:31 7.2 splice
* 05:24:42 7.3 at
* 05:28:35 7.4 Map
* 05:32:08 7.5 Filter
* 05:35:24 7.6 Reduce
* 05:38:36 7.7 find
* 05:41:32 7.8 findIndex
* 05:44:36 7.9 some and every
* 05:49:24 7.10 flat Method
* 05:53:59 7.11 flatMap Method
* 05:59:25 7.12 Sorting arrays
* 06:06:44 7.13 Chaining of methods
* 06:09:21 Revision

|-Chapter 8 Date
* 06:18:43 8.1 Date And Time
* 06:24:37 8.2 Date And Time Methods
* 06:28:14 8.3 Digital Clock

|-Chapter 9 LocalStorage
* 06:31:47 9.1 Local Storage intro
* 06:34:01 9.2 Set and Get items
* 06:38:11 9.3 Deleting Items
* 06:39:34 9.4 Store Complex data

|-Chapter 10 OOP

* 06:44:42 10.1 Constructor and NEW operator
* 06:51:30 10.2 Prototypes
* 06:56:13 10.3 Prototypical inheritance
* 07:02:18 10.4 ES6 Classes
* 07:08:28 10.5 setters and getters
* 07:14:27 10.6 static methods
* 07:18:13 10.7 Class Inheritance
* 07:23:37 10.8 Inheritance by Prototypes
* 07:30:16 10.9 Chaining of methods
* 07:33:05 Revision

|-Chapter 11 Async JS
* 07:41:41 11.1 Async Code
* 07:44:41 11.2 XML Http Request
* 07:50:16 11.3 Status code
* 07:52:46 11.4 Call back Function
* 08:00:34 11.5 Extracting JSON data
* 08:04:01 11.6 Callback hell
* 08:09:10 11.7 Basics of Promise
* 08:16:48 11.8 Chaining of promise
* 08:20:06 11.9 Fetch API
* 08:22:53 11.10 Async Await
* 08:26:39 11.11 Custom Errors
* 08:29:13 11.12 Async Await without return statement
* 08:32:16 11.13 Error Handling using try catch method
* 08:36:10 Revision

|-Chapter 12 ES6
* 08:44:03 12.1 Array De-structuring
* 08:52:45 12.2 Object De-structuring
* 09:02:09 12.3 Spread Operator
* 09:07:59 12.4 Rest Operator
* 09:11:39 12.5 Short Circuiting
* 09:16:26 12.6 Nullish coalescing operator
* 09:18:22 12.7 for-of loop
* 09:22:15 12.8 Enhanced Object Literals-shortcuts
* 09:26:13 12.9 Optional Chaining
* 09:31:37 12.10 Looping Objects
* 09:36:22 12.11 Sets
* 09:40:32 12.12 Map Intro And Map Iteration
* 09:44:53 Revision

|-Chapter 13 Modern Tooling

* 09:54:46 13.1 Importing and Exporting ES6 Modules
* 10:06:32 13.2 Top level await ES2022
* 10:10:17 13.3 Module pattern
* 10:14:17 13.4 Intro to NPM

|-Chapter 14 Advance Concepts

* 10:19:56 14.1 Closures


Please is channel ko aage bdha do yrr..Bina kisi notanki k bhaiya kitne simple tarike se sb kuchh sikha rhe hai.. please sb milke inki help kro ..or jada se jada share kro video ko please sbse request h ..😊😊😊😊


Bhai aap ke effort ke liye koi mere paas word nahi hai. Salute hai aapko 🙏


3:12:15 Call, Apply AND Bind (+summary)
5:11:57 BOM
5:28:35 More Array Methods
6:18:43 Date & Time
7:02:18 ES6 Classes


Revision for Notes Provided:
58:34 - Ch.1
2:37:50 - Ch.2
3:33:17 - Ch.3
6:09:22 - Array Methods
8:36:10 - Async JS


Completed 3 hour of this lecture, understand function, method, hoisting, higher order function etc..


Mujhe functions samjh nhi aaya kabhi lekin aapne jo samjhaya yha mind blowing, , har concept clear ho gay function ka sir


I just finished watching your full course on JavaScript, and I am absolutely blown away. Thank you so much for creating such an incredible resource. The way you explained complex concepts in a clear and concise manner made it so much easier for me to grasp the foundations of JavaScript.


These all course make me MERN Stack developer in 2023.
JavaScript, React JS and Node JS 🥰🥰
Thanks! Bro


Aap log Kitni mehnat karte ho..vo bhi Free me padhane ke liye...❤❤❤
Please accept my heartly wishes...


completed till chapter 6 ...connected with your way of teaching tq sir


sir, wow you really understands very well and , , your react and node series is awesome


Mind Blowing Explanation sirji..jab bhi revision ke liye ata hu, naya naya jaanne ko milta hai


You're great sir. I watched your video even after watching 10+ hrs of other videos too but those videos does not make any sense as I don't understand anything from it and you just simply made it easy and understandable. Thanks it took me 15 days to complete it. Hardwork pays off!


This is best js course on yt, thanks yu so much sir


It is difficult to find a teacher who can explain and teach so well. "great teacher" 👍🏻


Completed 6 hour of this lecture, understand the concept of all array method from basic to high ordered method


Sir you are awesome.apke jaisa teacher abhi tak nahi dekha . simple launguage me padhate ho sir app .
Sir you are awesome 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Salute sir ji


you r literally good. now i will follow all your course for sure.


apki cochng me es liye join krna chata hu ki ap acche se chizo ko samjha dete h or mere samjh me bhi aati h
