Utterly Bonkers, But Is It Any Good? Elliptical Cycling Challenge

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We’ve been able to ride all sorts of bikes here at GCN, from penny farthings to recumbents and the Drycycle, but now there’s a new one to add to the list… the elliptical bike. Conor went to meet stand up cycling enthusiast Idai Makaya to find out about the ElliptiGO, give standing cycling a go and even test the bikes in a few challenges!

00:00 Intro
01:36 About Elliptical Bikes
03:27 Learning the Basics
05:09 Out Riding
07:13 Race 1 - Hill Climb
09:57 Race 2 - The Sprint
11:40 Race 3 - ElliptiGO vs Bike
13:05 Summary

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Would you want to give stand up cycling a go? Let us know in the comments below! 💬

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🎵 Music - licensed by Epidemic Sound 🎵
Siren Screen - Ooyy
Spandex Cirkus - Daniel Friedell
Sun Seeker - Sarah
Luckily and Happily - baegel
KO - Rocket Jr
Top Funnel - Ooyy
Paid Marketing - Ooyy
Sepulveda - Shiruky

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What do you make of stand up cycling??


That Idai guy seems like a real *standup* fellow


Have Idai back on. He’s a blast onscreen.


I've been riding an ElliptiGO since 2013 after giving it a try as a way to get more running-like exercise while injured. It's a great machine. There were a few things that didn't get mentioned in the video. Most important, because you're standing up and in a natural position, it's a lot more comfortable than a normal road bike, with no hand, arm, neck, back, or butt pain. Because you stand so tall and are looking straight ahead, rather than down at the road, you get a great view, which makes it ideal for relaxed rides in scenic countryside. Looking so large and strange is also good for making sure cars pay attention to you. There's no question that it's slower and harder than biking due to the weight (my 8C is 44 pounds) and non-aerodynamic riding position—you take the wind full in the chest. (Folks on road bikes love drafting behind me.) ElliptiGO's research suggests it's 30% harder, but that just means you're getting a better workout at a slower speed. The aerodynamics make descending hills much slower than a road bike, but riding up is similar—you're already standing up on the pedals and you can shift all the way down (8 or 11 speeds in the hub). The main downsides are noise—the tracks make a wooshing noise—and the related fact that it doesn't like dirt roads because the slightest bit of grit in the tracks makes even more noise. The hub gearing works well, but if it needs more than basic adjusting, it's a royal pain to repair.


We now wait with baited breath for "four ellipticals versus Si on a TT bike"
Ollie will be having kittens trying to calculate the aerodynamics involved! 😹🙀


I've known Idai for a number of years, and he came out with me on my first elliptical ride when I bought one and kindly took me out to show me the ropes. he's an incredible guy with a big heart, check out his videos, he's an absolute machine, you should definitely make him a feature on your channel .


I bought an Elliptigo about 3 years ago as I had a knee problem that was limiting my road cycling. Lots of fun and gives a good work out. Not as fast as a road bike but with its gears it can handle hills and cover decent distances. I'm a similar height to Conor which means when you are riding one you're as tall as a horse rider giving you a very different view of the word. Attracts lots of attention. Be prepared to wear shades! Lots of fun catching up other cyclists and seeing their reaction.


Adai seems like such a genuinely nice guy, so positive and enthusiastic, he'd definitely make a good member of the team.


Idai sold me my Elliptigo longstride back in 2012 and it is still one of the best things on two wheels that i have ever bought. I got it to save my arse from further destruction after doing the PBP in 2011. My arse still thanks me.


MY dad loves his ElliptiGO, and I ride one too. Conor really hits home on the biggest word to describe ElliptoGO's: Fun. They are just plain fun. Every time a friend rides mine they laugh and smile the whole time. They're a great workout and a great POV of the road too. Great vid, Idai is a delight.


These sound fantastic. I'd get one if I wasn't strapped for cash and looking to buy my first roadie first.

Adai was stealing the show too, damn. I like him.


I've now ridden over 20, 000 miles on my ElliptiGO bike and even completed the Everesting challenge on it. Other friends have Everested too. So this thing can really climb too as well as providing an amazing workout and its tonnes of fun as this video clearly shows. Great to see ElliptiGO on GCN! Thanks guys.


This guy has done more chin-ups in 1 day than I have in my entire life


I got one of the 8 speed versions after some indelicate surgery and couldn’t be on a saddle for six months. It’s about twice the calories per mile as a road bike. For me at 72 it’s like running in slow motion but going 14 to to 15 mph on the flat. Great fun, good conditioning and excellent cross training. But uphill is very hard, like hiking uphill with a 40 pound pack.


Conor: I feel like a giraffe....
Idai: yes you're very tall



That Idai dude is cool, so much fun and positivity. :-)

Someone in my city rides a similar thing, but it's more like a full crosstrainer on wheels, powered by arms and legs. No idea how he steers, well I guess I'll better keep some distance next time our ways cross. ^^


As a duck takes to water, Conor takes it on like a giraffe on the Serengeti. Nice ride guys!!


This video is 14 minutes well spent, cheered me up it did


11:19 Idai stands on tree…. Conor is still taller than him!! Brilliant film guys! I was smiling and laughing watching this one! An absolute joy bringer!


Interesting use of measurement systems in the UK; "let's go 200 meters to the 40 mile/hour sign"
