Riot Evangelism with Isaac Banegas and Pastor Joel Webbon

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In this episode Desi takes the lead w/ Pastor Zack out. Isaac Banegas from Apologia Studios fills in as co-host and they have with them Pastor Joel Webbon. Pastor Joel provides commentary on current events in Washington while also speaking about our Evangelism amidst the chaos. Should our methods change? And where do we turn for direction? Listen to get the answer to these questions and more!

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Pastor Joel Webbon hit the nail on the head; 100% TRUTH!!


My hope is that more of us Christians will go beyond just letting others speak the inconvenient truth for us. Politically, we’ve benefited from this tremendously the last 4 years. And as flawed as President Trump was in character, he deserves more credit than he gets for at least speaking up and taking action when it mattered most.


Both sides got violent people, but one side condemns theirs, while the other side excuses or even encourages theirs. No, both parties are NOT equally guilty.


As a Christian moderate I say it's important to not push this idea of "they hate us". Most liberals don't hate conservatives nor do most conservatives hate liberals. This is not good works. There are good and wicked people on both sides.


Words are important. Joel needs to get to point faster. And he should look up meek- “... the meek shall inherit the earth”


55:50 .... Jesus wasn't a radical. He just spoke the truth....


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I have a question... So would you guys say the black robed regiment was wrong for going to war in the Revolutionary War?


If you are not in Christ, then you serve the Evil One. The Democrats serve the Evil One, they are his children and they do as he directs. And, he is directing all his children to make war on the children of God. May our most holy Father in heaven stretch out His holy arm of justice and vengence and cause the children of the Evil One to fall and to be cast out to their just judgement. And, may God's children unite in Him and Give Him ALL praise and ALL anduration and serve Him continually in holy fellowship for all time. Maranatha!


Austin is as close to California as Texas can give you


the catholic church is the true church - the eucharist is the new covenant - its the true manna from heaven - not a symbol


I don't say this gleefully, but many Christians all over the world have experienced real persecution, the kind where you will be killed for your faith, put in Jail etc not just political persecution like in American and the West generally. I am from Northern Nigeria, you can't preach on the streets of many parts of Northern Nigeria you will be likely. killed, your children too, your business burnt, you will be thrown in Jail to rot. You can't hold political power in many Northern states in Nigeria if you are a Christian, the same applies to Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and lots of other countries. The American church has been largely shielded from this level of persecution, but maybe God is telling you, it's time, get ready, now be ready to go to jail for me, to die for me like your brothers in christ have been doing in many other countries in the world for so long. Maybe you are too comfortable, maybe it's time to get ready to be willing to lose everything for my sake. Maybe now all real Christians will realize that our only true identity is Jesus not black or white, or Asian, or African etc. We will all be hated equally and persecuted equally. Maybe this is what will bring the church together, . It's hard to be fighting each other when there are people who don't care what color you are or what language you speak, but are going to kill you Or put you in jail just for being a Christian. Then these differences we have put up between ourselves will fade and then we can all see ourselves as Christians first and foremost and Not Nigerian, American, Tunisian, Korean etc.


Socialism is not evil. It was not be a preferred method but it's not wicked.
