Jonah and the Whale | Old Testament | Bible Stories for Children

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Jonah the Prophet
Learning to trust the Lord’s mercy

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
Jonah was a prophet. The Lord told him to warn the people in Nineveh that their city would be destroyed if they did not repent.

Jonah 1:1–2

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
But the people of Nineveh were enemies to the Israelites. Jonah did not want to preach to them. So he got on a ship to sail far away from Nineveh.

Jonah 1:3

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
While Jonah was on the ship, a big storm came. The men on the ship were afraid for their lives. They asked Jonah to pray to the Lord to save them.

Jonah 1:4–6

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
Jonah knew the Lord sent the storm because he was running away from what the Lord asked him to do. Jonah wanted to save the people on the ship. He said if they threw him into the sea, the storm would stop.

Jonah 1:12

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
The men did not want to throw Jonah overboard. They tried to row the ship to land, but the storm was too great. Finally, they threw Jonah into the sea.

Jonah 1:13–15

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
The storm stopped. But then Jonah was swallowed by a large fish.

Jonah 1:15, 17

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
Jonah was inside the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. During that time, Jonah prayed and repented. He wanted to do what was right and listen to the Lord. The Lord heard Jonah’s prayers and made the fish spit Jonah out onto dry land.

Jonah 1:17; 2:1–10

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
The Lord again told Jonah to preach to the people of Nineveh. This time Jonah obeyed. He went to Nineveh and told the people to repent or the Lord would destroy their city. The king and his people repented. The Lord forgave them and did not destroy Nineveh.

Jonah 3

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
But Jonah was disappointed that the people had not been destroyed. He didn’t think they deserved to be forgiven.

Jonah 4:1–2

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
To teach Jonah a lesson, the Lord grew a plant to shade Jonah from the sun. Then the plant died, and Jonah felt bad for the plant.

Jonah 4:5–9

Old Testament Stories: Jonah the Prophet
The Lord was teaching Jonah a lesson about His children. Jonah learned that he should be sad when people do not repent and that he should be happy when they do.

Jonah 4:10–11


The story of Jonah and the whale is a well-known story from the Old Testament of the Bible. It is a story of disobedience, redemption, and the power of God. It is a story that has been told for centuries and has inspired countless people to turn to God and follow his will for their lives.

According to the book of Jonah in the Old Testament, Jonah was a prophet who lived in the Kingdom of Israel during the 8th century BC. One day, God spoke to Jonah and told him to go to the city of Nineveh and preach against its wickedness. However, Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh and instead, he fled in the opposite direction.

God, however, was not one to be thwarted and he sent a great storm upon the sea to get Jonah's attention. The storm was so fierce that it threatened to sink the ship that Jonah was on. The sailors on the ship, fearing for their lives, threw Jonah overboard in an attempt to calm the storm. As Jonah was thrown into the sea, he was swallowed by a great fish.

Inside the fish, Jonah prayed to God and begged for forgiveness for his disobedience. God heard Jonah's prayer and commanded the fish to vomit Jonah out onto the shore. Jonah, now obedient to God's will, went to Nineveh and preached against its wickedness. The people of Nineveh listened to Jonah and repented of their sins, and God spared the city from destruction.

The story of Jonah and the whale is a powerful reminder of the importance of obedience to God's will. Jonah learned the hard way that trying to run from God's plan for our lives is futile, and that it is only through obedience that we can find true happiness and fulfillment. It is also a reminder of the power and mercy of God, as he was able to bring Jonah back from the brink of death and use him to bring about repentance and salvation.

This story is also a great way to teach children about the love and mercy of God. It can help them understand that no matter how far we may stray from God's path, he is always ready to forgive us and guide us back to him. It can also teach children the importance of obedience and the consequences of disobedience.

Overall, the story of Jonah and the whale is a timeless tale that has inspired and touched the hearts of people of all ages. It is a story that continues to speak to us today, reminding us of the love and power of God, and the importance of following his will for our lives.
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