The Golden Rule of Drum Kit Setup!

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Drum Kit setup has a huge impact on how we perform as drummers and can either be a big help or a big hinderance! Because of this, it's worth spending the time getting it right for you so you can perform at your best.

While it can be a very convoluted topic, this one golden rule will set you in the right direction no matter what kind of kit you play.

Gear Featured:

Yamaha Stage Custom - 22, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16"

Custom Maple Snare - 14x6.5"

Meinl Byzance 15" Dual Hats
Sabian HHX Evolution 17" Crash
Paiste Signature Dry Ride
Stack - Meinl Extra Dry 18" China over Zildjian 16" ZHT EFX
Meinl Byzance Extra Dry 19" Thin Crash
Sabian AA 19" Holy China

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Playing drums professionally for 50 years I will save y'all alot of time...set everything up where you can reach everything easily. That's it.


This is why I always set up my kits with the kick off to the right, because I always have my snare to the center. Even in a 1 up 2 down set up I do. I've been told it looks odd, but it helps a lot in both my ability to play as well as keeping my spine and muscles from getting more distorted, overall prolonging how late into my life I can play. I have scoliosis so not only does it keep my back from hurting, it also helps me keep posture during the complex stuff like fills, rolls, and fast kicks.


Your advice about the "center" instantly improved my simple 4/4 time roll around my 4 piece kit. I have such a long way to go but you helped me solve one mystery, , , thank you. Back to practice!


I remember making this realization a few years ago. Once I set up facing forwards, my playing just opened up and flowed naturally as opposed to before when I was all jammed up. The sound of your instrument (and you, by extension) should always take precedent over what it looks like on stage, but I usually work this into the stage set up. I’ll set up upstage left and the bass player will set up upstage right and angle left, so it’s like we’re making a little semicircle. It’s always struck me as a more intimate, less pretentious sort of feel.


Beginner here, learning on my own w/o lessons. This was *extremely* useful.


As a beginner drummer, this video helped me a lot! Thanks for straight to the straight-to-the-point content and great drumming!


I've been playing drums for over 40 years and I've never really thought much about positioning my kit. I realize now that my back hurts a lot less when I do. Thank you for sharing!


BRAVO. I have been saying this for years. I start my kit setup as a tripod, with my seat being one leg, and my feet the other two. Thus, with my feet planted on the ground in the most comfortable position, I place the kick pedal and hi hat pedal under my feet. Bass drum is setup where the kick pedal was placed. My snare drum and first rack tom are directly forward. Hi hat and bass drum at angles right and left. Very comfortable and efficient !


And yet we still twist ourselves up by crossing our hands/arms over to play the hihat and snare which makes even less sense than facing our bass drum forward. The best thing I ever did for my playing was to start playing the hihat and snare open handed, not only does it take all of the remaining stress off of your spine, it will work wonders on you left/weak hand! I started doing this about ten years ago and the change in my weak hand is tremendous!


Absolutely correct. I figured it out in my early twenties when I put together my first double bass drum kit. All of a sudden everything was balanced and ergonomic. It all made sense. I was no longer fighting against my body. When I went back to a single bass drum kit after many years of playing double bass drums nothing changed with my seating position except that I took away one of the bass drums. I've had musicians and sound people ask me why my bass drum isn't facing forward which always amazes me because a lot of times these are shows at fairly decent sized festivals and they should know better. I tell them the bass drum facing forward is not a natural position for playing drums. That I want to do as little twisting as possible and want to have everyone on stage to be at a minimum easily within my peripheral vision. I've also sat in on drum kits where the drummer has insisted the bass drum face forward. I look at them and wonder why they never ask themselves why their foot is hanging off the edge of the bass drum pedal at a weird angle. Or why their hi hat pedal is way over to their far side at a weird angle to compensate for their primary problem of having set the kit up in a way that doesn't conform to the human body.


Absolutely correct. I discovered this concept a few years ago by accident playing a very small stage. So much more comfortable and really helped my mobility around the kit. Brilliant video sir.


Thanks! I'm going to try this after 41 years of playing.


I just bought a set of Tama Swingstars. I like them a lot.
I am new to drumming, but I discovered I love it!
It is very important to me that I start out right, and do not develop poor habits.
And the set-up, that is elemental. Essential. The bed-rock.
Thank you so much!!


LOVE THIS POST! THANK YOU! I would like to add a second item: NEVER handle cymbals with bare hands. It's just about IMPOSSIBLE to get fingerprints OUT of them once they're IN the grooves of them.


Arguably the most important fundamental when starting to play the drums!!! Well done!


I think the bass drum became the center of the kit because in the early days of rock ’n’ roll, bands often put their name across the bass drum head. It was natural then that they wanted the majority of the audience to see it.


I love this! I have been playing snare-centric for about 3 years and I have seen a shift in my posture and my playing!


Ty! Just started drums, got my first drum set, setting it up. This will help tons.


Such a useful tutorial for a newbie. Getting it right from the jump! Thx


I've been doing this for years. An added benefit is the kick is usually aimed at the guitarist which helps him feel it more.
