Is Predestination BIBLICAL or SATANIC?

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hey messenger, here’s a vid request. what do you think of the flat earth/literal interpretation of the firmament theory?


so do we have free will and if we do how can we be predestined but also have free will


If God has already decided who’s saved and who isn’t with predetermination, and we aren’t saved by accepting Jesus but by him choosing to save us, why are we the chosen, why did he save you and me? What makes me more worthy of being saved than someone else? I know I don’t deserve his grace but why did I receive it? When I was born again it happened out of no where, I wasn’t convinced or sold on any religion it just happened, since it’s only up to God is evangelizing pointless?

How can I not be sad all the time knowing I got saved out of so many people who will be damned to hell, and that evangelizing to them can’t help them, if I can’t help people find God because it’s only specifically up to him well then what can I do that’s worth living? If everyone’s fate is sealed, is spreading the word of God pointless if I do it to people that don’t know him?


Can you make a video about the future "falling away" described by Jesus and Paul? Or maybe you don't think it's future? Please make a video explaining your view on the topic


Great you dont believe in a free will. I havent completed your video yet but do you believe all will be saved?

Edit: you dont😅. I would gladly have a conversation with you or anyone who dont know the truth of the Salvation of all 1tim4:10


Dies mathew 22:31 refute conditionalism


My channel is about freeing people from the heresy of free will to unburden them from thinking God is not actually working in them to will and do of HIS good pleasure. So rare to see anyone who is not a Calvinist sub to biblical predestination, most people just call you a devil and never exegete scripture lol.

Romans 5

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

20 Moreover the LAW ENTERED, THAT THE OFFENCE MIGHT ABOUND. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:
