3 Bug Bounty Tools - Part 1 #shorts

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HackBar :
HackBar is a security auditing/penetration tool that is a Mozilla Firefox add-on. Bug bounty hunters will find that this tool allows them to test site security, XSS holes and SQL injections.
Some of the advantages of HackBar include:
All HackBar functions work on text that you currently have selected
Hashing of MD5/SHA1/SHA256
Sandbox-like text area
Useful MS SQL Server/MySQL shortcuts
Wfuzz :
Written in Python, Wfuzz is a tool that will help bug bounty hunters bruteforce web applications. Wfuzz is useful for sniffing out resources that are not linked such as directories and scripts, POST and GET parameter-checking for multiple kinds of injections, form parameter checking, fuzzing and other uses.
Features that users will find attractive include:
Default output is in HTML
Capability to check multiple injection points
Bruteforcing for all parameters
Automatic/artificial request time delays
Results can be hidden via word numbers, return code, line numbers and regex.
Wapiti :
Wapiti is a command-line application tool that allows bug bounty hunters to audit the security of websites and web applications. Operationally, Wapiti crawls web applications with black-box scans and looks for points where it can inject code. When Wapiti finds a list of forms, form inputs and URLs, it acts like a fuzzer by injecting payloads to check for script vulnerability.
Some notable features include:
Server-side request forgery
Reflected and permanent XSS injection
Includes a buster module that allows for bruteforcing filenames and directories on a target web server
POST HTTP and GET attack methods are supported
The scan process includes an option to set maximum scan time
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HackBar is a security auditing/penetration tool that is a Mozilla Firefox add-on. Bug bounty hunters will find that this tool allows them to test site security, XSS holes and SQL injections.
Some of the advantages of HackBar include:
All HackBar functions work on text that you currently have selected
Hashing of MD5/SHA1/SHA256
Sandbox-like text area
Useful MS SQL Server/MySQL shortcuts
Wfuzz :
Written in Python, Wfuzz is a tool that will help bug bounty hunters bruteforce web applications. Wfuzz is useful for sniffing out resources that are not linked such as directories and scripts, POST and GET parameter-checking for multiple kinds of injections, form parameter checking, fuzzing and other uses.
Features that users will find attractive include:
Default output is in HTML
Capability to check multiple injection points
Bruteforcing for all parameters
Automatic/artificial request time delays
Results can be hidden via word numbers, return code, line numbers and regex.
Wapiti :
Wapiti is a command-line application tool that allows bug bounty hunters to audit the security of websites and web applications. Operationally, Wapiti crawls web applications with black-box scans and looks for points where it can inject code. When Wapiti finds a list of forms, form inputs and URLs, it acts like a fuzzer by injecting payloads to check for script vulnerability.
Some notable features include:
Server-side request forgery
Reflected and permanent XSS injection
Includes a buster module that allows for bruteforcing filenames and directories on a target web server
POST HTTP and GET attack methods are supported
The scan process includes an option to set maximum scan time
That’s all !! Hope you liked the information.
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