Hyper-Dispensationalism: A conversation with Coren, a Hyper-Dispensationalist. #Debate #Jesus #Love

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Coren and I discuss some of his beliefs about Dispensationalism. This was a good conversation overall. we discuss Repentance, Confession of sins, Ordinances, the start of the Church, and the Trinity. listen till the end. #Bible #debate #discussion #gospel #Jesus #church #dispensationalism #hyper-Dispensationalism #ultr-dispensationalism
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This guy is not a hyper dispensationalist.
He defended the position pretty well. If you want to have a conversation let me know.


The other guy does not understand. Grace diference. And other guy don’t exsplain it well. See Lesfeldick Lesfeldick ministries explains church mixes the 2gospels


See Lesfeldick Lesfeldick ministries explains church mixes the 2gospels n Robert breaker exsplains peters gospel verses Paul grace gospel


Soooo, this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to host my own debate, (Choose a weak debater, who may know what he’s talking about but can’t necessarily convey it) because one, every time he opens his mouth, you interrupt him., you literally dominated the time, ridiculously give him a chance to establish his points at all and then when he did, you cut him off, not letting him establish any foundations... let’s just say this, if I’d never heard of rightly dividing or dispensationalism, I still wouldn’t know what it you’re not claiming victory based on this debate....btw, I know hyper-dispensationalist that would have eaten your lunch on this, and your rebuttals. Said with ❤️ Just wished he could have represented “us” i do appreciate your Bless, hope you come to the knowledge of the Truth.


Robert breaker exsplains. Againts hyper dispensation best. And Lesfeldick ministries explains the case for hyper dispensation. Lol Robert breaker said repentance is not sin. Or it’s two difernt meaning. Robert breaker exsplains. . Paul’s never says repent to gentiles. But says must have repentitive lifestyles. . But I think. Some one should say a five minute spill about dispensation. And Mabey then go one by one.. but I do like the conversation. Wish he would exspound on. Confessing Jesus. Is confessing your sins. Because abviously your being saved from sin. . So tell me I have to say oh by the way I’m a sinner. That’s stupid I would have to go to your face and say I repent. No. I go to a gay teenager. And say any time you need we under grace. Christ offers his richiousness as your just for believing the gospel. 2 Corinthians 15.. death for your sin. Buried for three days. And rose again. And you trust in that. Your saved. Then your life changes. If your inlove with Christ.. peter put repentance and baptism beside the cross. Paul put baptism by the spirit and repentance after the cross. . Lesfeldick ministries. Exsplains it so good. . Peter did not know the cross. Peter confirmed Paul’s mysteries. . Till times of gentiles grace over. Then gospel of kingdom resumes.. and you pull Paul’s gospel out of the Bible there is no salvation to gentiles. . Totally difernt gospels. Peter only had to know. Death in his place as Abraham. . Peter ran out and got another apostle to fill the twelve lampstand. Paul was apostle. To gentiles. Is that not clear. Lol. See Lesfeldick.


Hey Josh, this is Justin Reine. In order to say that 1 John 1:9 is not teaching that if you do not confess you will not be forgiven you have to change what the verse actually says; "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all un righteousness". The issue with saying that you have to confess your sins on the basis of 1 John 19 is that you have to cut the verse apart in order to use it as proof, and the verse clearly teaches that if you don't confess you won't be forgiven. It's inconsistent to say that you need to use 1 John 1:9 without the forgiveness of sins attached to it. Contrarywise Ephesians 4:32 "Be ye kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as God FOR Christ's sake HATH forgiven you". We are past tense forgiven because of Jesus not because of our confession of sins.
Buddy hope your well!


Oneness doctrine is wrong. And I was on his side. . God can be three places. Seperate. And return as one and comunicate within self. I


Paul tottal different gospel. Death burial and resurrection. . Of course. We saved by Jesus blood.. both them of gospel of kingdom. Saved by the blood. In gospel of grace . Just gentiles unleashed from law. Things changed just a bit.law had no more death power. Warship in newness of spirit not the oldness of the letter. .


This is awfull. Why did that guy not say we baptized in a difernt way. . We baptized with the spirit now . Not stinking water. Lol. Paul when he quit teaching them under the law. He says . Thank God I never baptized any of you. . Water is done. This style dialog. Is not good.


@CatholicTraditionalist. I will debate you. just name the topic.


Ephesians 1:10 KJV
[10] That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

In Christ is God’s purpose for the ages. Israel is in Christ on earth. The Church, Body of Christ is in heaven.

Kinsmen = Jews. Paul is 1st member of Body of Christ, not 1st in Christ.

Galatians 1:22 KJVS
[22] And was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:

Isaiah 45:25 KJVS
[25] In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.

All will be in Christ, but they get there differently. 1) prophecy, 2) mystery

John 6:56 KJV
[56] He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.

They didn’t know the mystery of Church, Body of Christ


Would you be interested in a debate? I’m dispensational as well.
