Is the Trinity Biblical? #apologetics #theology #trinity

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The Christian faith is the only one in which love precedes life. In every other belief system, life comes before love. In non-Christian worldviews love is merely a manmade concept that came about after the human race arrived on the scene. But that’s not the biblical concept of love. The Christian Bible teaches that God is love. God doesn’t just love us, he is love! We also know God is eternal. So, because God has always existed, love has always existed. Even before human beings showed up. However, love can only exist in a relationship between persons. So here’s the question. Who was God loving before creation? For love to be eternal there must be eternal persons in an eternal relationship. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity says that love has existed eternally in the triune relationship between the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.


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If you were to apply the very same principles of biblical hermeneutics you used to demonstrate the the Sabbath is not a law in the new testament context, you would never come away with the idea that the one true God is a trinity. John 17:3.

Be consistent and faithful to the scriptures rather than a creed.


The argument from love is the best for the trinity


That's why evil is so repulsive. It opposes love in every way. It can do no loving thing. Even when it pays lip service to love, it is actively working to harm someone or something.


Ty JESUS for your forgiveness and mercy on me and my family and friends AMEN


And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying,
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

- MATTHEW - 28:18-20 - LSB Translation


I am not aware of any verse that states that the Father, Son, and Holy spirit are three persons in one God, all coeternal, coequal and consubstantial. The Trinity doctrine was not fully developed until the fourth century after Christ. There are many verses in the Bible that are in conflict with the Trinity doctrine. For example, the night before he was killed, Jesus prayed to his Father and called him "the only true God." Jesus referred to his Father as "my God'', even after he was resurrected. (John 20:17; Revelation 3:12) Jesus cannot be coeternal with God because according to Psalm 90:2, God is “from everlasting to everlasting”, whereas Jesus is called “the firstborn of all creation” (Colossians 1:15) and “the beginning of the creation by God.” (Revelation 3:12)


Anyone can respond, but I am still waiting for Robert Solberg's response. The first one is a "yes or no" question...

1)Did God ever declare Yeshua as God? "Yes or no?

2) Who was God loving before creation?

Anyone can reply, but I am still waiting for Robert Solberg's response.


The phrase "God is
was added by a scribe to the original text. As were other things, the woman caught in adultery in John 8:1-11. The name "Jesus" is a made up word. His name was Yeshua, (Joshua, which means Jehovah saves.) Joshua translated into Kione Greek reads 'lisous tou navi.' What do we find in the Greek texts? 'Iesous.' Yeshua never said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do, Lk 23:34. That statement contradicts what he taught about forgiveness. Mk 16:9-19 was added in the 4th century. "Baptising them in the name of the Father, son and holy ghost" in Mat 28 was added to the original text. John 6:44 was added by a scribe. And there are others. Oh, the words "Church" and "Christian" are made up words created by the Catholic Church which Jerome used in his Latin Vulgate. Oh, Jerome also made up the word Lucifer. And Satan is another made up word. The word 'hell' is an Anglo Saxon word that didn't exist prior to 725AD. None of these words come from the Biblical Hebrew. None of these things are found in the Old Testament. Yeshua, Paul, taught from the Old Testament, and they would have never taught these man made traditions. And, by the way, the "Trinity " is another made-up concept that comes straight from paganism. You notice this man is merely explaining this man made concept. He doesn't use any verses to validate what he says. Why not? Because what he is teaching isn't found in Scripture. Thus, he is only left with using circular reasoning.


Says the Trinity is Biblical…then proceeds to make a purely ideological and unbiblical argument.


Stop worshiping love and worship Yehovah the elohim of war


I have a question. When did Jesus (aka as the Son) first appear on the scene?


If God loves us why did he create cancer?


This is an absurd claim. Don't make claims like this about other faiths when you don't even know the tenets or holy books of those faiths


Nice🤔.... still digesting this.... thinking you're correct...🤔...👍💕


Let’s debate! The doctrine of the Bible is Unitarian, from beginning to end.


That kind of blows my mind. The TRINITY existing eternaly by themselves until they decided to create. I trynot to think about to much, because it really does frazzle my brain. Its cool though.


Who was Manti Téo Loving when his girlfriend was faked by a scammer catphisher?
It’s the same love for your god and Jesus, a fake spiritual all love. I John writer is in love with a nonexistent being, no actual connection to a god just the illusion of love. It feels like genuine love and provides happiness until the gig ends.

Natural love for something that doesn’t exist can enter our psyche, Jesus phishing victims everywhere is the result


_>>> "So here's the question: Who was God loving before creation?"_

What does "before creation" even mean, though? If we're using the primary definition of "before" - which is, "during the period of TIME preceding a particular event or time" - then "before creation" is a phrase that has no meaning, because TIME as we know it only goes back as far as the creation of time itself. There's no such thing as "a period of TIME preceding the creation of time."

When we use the phrase "before creation", what we really mean is "beyond our dimension of time." The one true God (whom we should refer to with _singular personal_ pronouns, because HE is _unipersonal, _ not tripersonal) exists eternally far beyond our dimension of time, yet HE manifested HIMSELF on earth in genuine human form, _within_ our dimension of time.

So, WHO does the _unipersonal_ God love according to his eternal existence far beyond our dimension of time? You. And me. And every single human being he has ever created in our past or will ever create in our future.

And HE loves HIS own genuinely human manifestation - "the man Christ Jesus" - who is _not_ some other personally distinct individual, but rather HE HIMSELF manifested in genuine human form.

*1 TIMOTHY 3:16 (KJV)*
And without controversy *great* is the *mystery* of godliness: *GOD was manifest in the flesh, * justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

The one true God - the _unipersonal_ God who loves us from _beyond_ our dimension of time, who laid down HIS own life for us _within_ our dimension of time, who miraculously died and raised HIMSELF from the dead, and who revealed HIS name to be the name which is above _every_ name: *JESUS* - doesn't need the mythical "eternally begotten Son" in order to be an eternally loving Father.


Your claim is  that G-d's eternal love can only exist in a eternal relationship between persons.And the non biblical trinity is the reason for g-ds eternal love. So, what about hate? G-d hates, you know that, right? G-d's hate is also eternal, so therefore eternal hate can only exist between persons who are in an eternal relationship aka the trinity, according to your logic. So the triune Christian g-d love and hate each other? And by the way G-d is not a person. Instead of using the term persons, to  describe the relationship within  the Trinity, just use the term G-ds and you will notice  that the trinity is idolatry.  Christianity is not the only faith in which love preceds life!What are you talking about?  Here we go:
God’s love for Israel is everlasting.
“The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying, ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness’” (Jeremiah 31:3).
Amos chapter 3,
2Only you did I love above all the families of the earth; therefore, I will visit upon you all your iniquities.
Again, if I follow your logic the father hates the son, the son hates the father  and the holy spirit hates both?? Be consistent with your claim, dude!

Stop embarassing yourself and deceiving your audience.


The Trinity is a concept brought about by the Catholic church. The true form OF God is ... God, the son OF God, and the spirit OF God. One entity alone.
